Monday, October 18, 2004

Another liberal who runs from the truth.

Mike: you still voting bush?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : nope
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : LOL
Mike: really?
Mike: any reason?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : I figure they both suck so bad that I'm going to stick with my democratic side and vote for the democrat
Mike: Yah?
Mike: ok
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : yeah
Mike: look
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i'm bi
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i'm an environmentalist
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i'm pagan
Mike: can you tell me something?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : what
Mike: Why are liberals so hard to talk to.
Mike: you know
Mike: like they automatically go on the defensive when you try to tell them something.
Mike: they automatically don't want to talk about stuff and when details come out they freak.
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i was giving you reasons- you asked and i answered i wasn't getting defensive silly!
Mike: Noo
Mike: lol
Mike: you don't understand
Mike: yah I asked you for reason
Mike: but the moment I try to convince you of something
Mike: you see me as the enemy
Mike: I love listening to people
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : hey, i was convinced at one point
Mike: I love learning new stuff
Mike: so long as it is fact you know.
Mike: Do you even know president bushes Energy policy?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i really wish they were both shot. that would solve a lot of stress in my brain.
Mike: see the problem is the main stream media and educators are so biased
Mike: so bias they are clueless
Mike: and the democrates convinced you that everything bush has told you is a lie
Mike: and you just like to believe bush lied.
Mike: why stress out
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i would normally agree with you- however my government teacher is really really really unbias- i'm serious i've been waiting for him to show a hint of it and he honestly hasn't
Mike: ?
Mike: it is pretty simple.
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : cause i want to make the right decision
Mike: LOOOKKKK your government teacher is not un biased
Mike: just because someone bashes kerry
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : well he doesn't show it
Mike: or says something nice about bush doesn't make him un-biased.
Mike: trust me you professor would never debate me
Mike: NEVER.
Mike: because it would show how little he knows.
Mike: ok
Mike: now I will break it down for you.
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : wow you're on a powertrip
Mike: Kerry is the greates politician ever.
Mike: it is a fact
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : really?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : why?
Mike: there has never been a better polician..
Mike: He is elegant
Mike: well spoken
Mike: looks good
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : lol you know I go to ASU right?
Mike: has all the trates of a politician.
Mike: you know the winner of the nobel piece prize in economics teaches at ASU right?
Mike: well he won half
Mike: the other guy was from norway.
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : he he nice
Mike: You know my sister-in-law goes to ASU.
Mike: YOu knwo what he said about bushes tax cuts?
Mike: the tax cuts that passed?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : what?
Mike: He said they were too little.
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : no i didn't watch it- too chaotic
Mike: you know what he said about kerry's tax plan?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : huh?
Mike: what huh?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i'm listening waiting for you to talk about kerry's tax plan
Mike: oh
Mike: you said huh
Mike: wanted you to get caught up.
Mike: he said that kerry's tax plans would only hurt the economy.
Mike: hello?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : yeah i'm listening
Mike: r u listening?
Mike: I think you are reading and calling me a lier
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : lol i'm watching
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : *rolls eyes*
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon :
Mike: seriously
Mike: I think you hate bush
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i do
Mike: because that is what everyon talks about around you.
Mike: and you just don't know
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : probably
Mike: and anything I say will only convince you that I am a lier
Mike: maybe
Mike: just maybe
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i'm easily influenced
Mike: the news you watch
Mike: and the people who teach you
Mike: are lieing to you...
Mike: is that possible?
Mike: Why would I lie
Mike: I am not a teacher
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i think everyone has their opinions it's not a matter of lying
Mike: I am not a media person.
Mike: well you have to realise
Mike: everntually
Mike: that some people are very bias
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i hate the news
Mike: and never open to the other side
Mike: Look it iis simple
Mike: Kerry is a great politician
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : that's why i'm so confused I am easily influenced and am open to both sides
Mike: he says everything you want to hear.
Mike: but he did everything wrong.
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : that i agree with-
Mike: Bush is a simple guy.. but brillant... and that frightens the left.
Mike: he has the best cabinet ever put to gether
Mike: and has the hardest presidency ever
Mike: everyone says that the supreme court gave him the election.
Mike: why would the supreme court have a bias?
Mike: you know that democrats in the house brought up and wanted to vote on bringing back the draft?
Mike: you know only 2 democrats voted for it..
Mike: you know that the tax cuts bush finally got passed
Mike: created 2million jobs in 13 months?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : well isn't the supreme cout appointed by the pres? so most of them would be repub.
Mike: you know for 2 years the senate blocked the vote
Mike: it is called a fullibuster.
Mike: Yah
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : yes i no that
Mike: and bush wasn't the president
Mike: so he never appointed anyone
Mike: the president can't remove anyone
Mike: they only get appointed by him.
Mike: a supreme court justice can not be removed by a president
Mike: so the democrats blocked the vote for 2 years
Mike: it is called a filibuster.
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : i'm tired i'm going to heads off- have a gov. test 2morow
Mike: do you even know what bushes energy policy is?
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon : night
Mike: ??
Mike: see what I mean
Mike: the moment I bring up somehting
Mike: that might change your mind you get tired
Mike: or your head hurts
Mike: look face it
Mike: you were lied to
Mike: bush is a great president
Mike: but everyone convinced you he is bad.
faerieofthedarksideofthemoon has signed out. (10/19/2004 12:46 AM)

Mike: ??
Mike: lol
Mike: do you mind if I post this?
Mike: I am going to put this on my blog.

A conversation with a LIberal.

Below is the complete conversation I had with a liberal. Most liberal will not talk.. Most of them avoid the truth at all cost they like there little world of hate.

I had talked to her before in a chat room and she sent me a couple comments which made no sence. I added her to my buddy list and below is our actual conversation.. It is very boering.

candyprincess1515 : hello
Mike: How are you?
candyprincess1515 : im doing fine and yourself?
Mike: I am ok.
candyprincess1515 : thats good
Mike: so can we talk like humans?
candyprincess1515 : um yeah y not
Mike: I would just really like to know your views and try to illustrate my points
Mike: in a polite cival manner
candyprincess1515 : okay...about politics?
Mike: sure if you would like.
candyprincess1515 : ok
Mike: First of all who am I talking to.. r u a student? working? neither?
Mike: I assum you are female
Mike: from the princess... but I guess that is an ssumption.
candyprincess1515 : haha student female
Mike: college high school?
candyprincess1515 : college
Mike: state?
candyprincess1515 : T X
Mike: really.
Mike: interesting
candyprincess1515 : u?
Mike: can you tell me why you want to vote for kerry.
Mike: 27 m ga not working not going to school.
candyprincess1515 : did u get that article that i sent to u?
Mike: no I don't think so
Mike: did you send a link or soemthing?
candyprincess1515 : i just copied and pasted
candyprincess1515 : Mr. President, your management or mismanagement of this war, your diversion from al-Qaida and from Osama bin Laden, your shift of the troops to Iraq when there was nothing to do with al-Qaida, nothing to do with 9/11, has made America less safe, not more secure,” Kerry said.

The Democrat’s campaign also rolled out a TV ad showing Bush saying “I truly am not that concerned about him” — a reference to Osama bin Laden. The ad seeks to make the case that “It’s time for a new direction” on Iraq and the war on terror. Bush denied in the final debate that he had ever said he wasn’t worried about Osama.

As for U.S. forces, Kerry referred to a report in The Washington Post that the U.S. commander in Iraq, Army Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, said last winter that his supply situation was so poor
candyprincess1515 : that. read it
Mike: can I talk?
candyprincess1515 : yes
Mike: do you know they surveyed troops in Iraq and 4-1 they support bush over kerry...
candyprincess1515 : i think thats false
Mike: it is ok
Mike: I got it on CNN
Mike: head line news
Mike: you can look it up later if you want.
Mike: can I ask you another question?
candyprincess1515 : i dont believe in those polls. yes u can ask me a question
Mike: did japan attack us in pearl harbor?
candyprincess1515 : yes
Mike: did germany?
candyprincess1515 : no
Mike: ?
Mike: are you sure?
candyprincess1515 : pretty sure
Mike: huh
Mike: did sadam attack our troops after the first gulf war?
candyprincess1515 : i dont remember...
Mike: he did, he attack barracks in Kuwait.
Mike: do you know what operation "Desert Fox" was?
candyprincess1515 : no..but where are u trying to go with this?
Mike: do you know what SCR 1284 was?
candyprincess1515 : i sure dont
Mike: did germany attack the us?
Mike: during ww2?
candyprincess1515 : not here in the US
Mike: huh?
Mike: r u sure?
Mike: Ever see band of brothers?
candyprincess1515 : no...WW2 was because of hitler correct
Mike: for the most part yes.
Mike: hitler and the Nazi regimn
candyprincess1515 : ah ok
Mike: Also japan and italy
candyprincess1515 : mostly cause of Japan...Japan was eager to get the US in on the war right?
Mike: it is complicated
Mike: but basically no.
Mike: Japan wanted the US never to enter the war
Mike: that is why they attacked pearl harbor to take out our pacific fleet
candyprincess1515 : thats not what my professor told me though...
Mike: so we would only be able to defend
Mike: by taking out a huge part of the pacific fleet we would never be able to attack and only defend the home land.
Mike: Can I tell you something.
Mike: Most professors are wrong.
Mike: but you don't have to believe me
Mike: it is ok.
candyprincess1515 : thats true..
Mike: You know 406,000 men were kill in ww2?
candyprincess1515 : dont know the exact # but yes many were killed
Mike: do you know what the league of nations was?
candyprincess1515 : like th UN
candyprincess1515 : the*
Mike: The league of nation was created after ww1 to prevent future wars.
candyprincess1515 : right
candyprincess1515 : like todays UN
Mike: do you know after ww1 germany signed the treaty of versi... Germany was not allowed to have an army.
Mike: The league of nation was to over see germany never got an army again.
Mike: in addition to other things.
candyprincess1515 : oh i didnt know
Mike: Did germany get an army.
Mike: ever hear about the "treaty of versi"
candyprincess1515 : no
Mike: really?
Mike: huh
Mike: you might want to look into ww1 sometiem.
candyprincess1515 : i wasnt thought well lol
candyprincess1515 : taught*
Mike: I understand you know only 116,000 men died in ww1?
Mike: You know ww1 was started by one man getting shot...
candyprincess1515 : yeah but i cant remember his name
candyprincess1515 : do u know?
Mike: yup
Mike: Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria
Mike: you know who killed him?
Mike: a Serbian Student...
candyprincess1515 : oh yeah Ferdinand
Mike: 1 student killed 116,000 americans and who knows how many europeans.
Mike: Let that sink if you want.
candyprincess1515 : oo
Mike: so they formed the league of nations
Mike: to prevent future wars
Mike: to make sure germany never got an army
Mike: What started ww2?
Mike: A guy name hitler was elected.
candyprincess1515 : yep
Mike: he convinced the nation it was better.
Mike: that it deserved better.
Mike: he pulled the nation out of economic disaster
Mike: build up a huge military
Mike: Then invaded poland.
candyprincess1515 : yeah
candyprincess1515 : i wanna know...
candyprincess1515 : are u FOR bush?
candyprincess1515 : and the war?
candyprincess1515 : on iraq
Mike: am I for the war?
Mike: no
Mike: first of all I hate all wars
Mike: second we are not at war we are occuping... reemember after ww2 we occupied germany for 7 years ...
Mike: can I ask you something else?
Mike: how did the league of nations allow germany to get an army?
candyprincess1515 : i dunno
Mike: the Treaty of Versi forbid it.
Mike: you know the soviets lost 25 million men during ww2?
candyprincess1515 : wow
Mike: YOu know hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact,
Mike: hitler made an agreement with russia never to attack.
Mike: funny huh?
Mike: you know ww2 lasted 6 years?
Mike: and 1 day?
candyprincess1515 : weird
Mike: you know 11 million chinese died?
Mike: 7 million germans died
candyprincess1515 : nope
Mike: almost 7 million polish ?
Mike: france lost 800k
Mike: yugoslavia lost 1.7 million.
Mike: great brittan lost 388 k.
Mike: and some estimates show us losses almost 500k...
Mike: but the us accepted number is 406k
Mike: YOu hate bush
Mike: you hate republicans
candyprincess1515 : ooo how do u know all this? lol
Mike: i know
candyprincess1515 : i dont hate them
Mike: you don't think bush got elected
Mike: you think that he "stole" the eletion
candyprincess1515 : i go for the best one thats all
Mike: and that the supreme cort mad a mistake.
Mike: Can I ask you how many people starved in Iraq?
Mike: starved during sanctions?
candyprincess1515 : well the election yeah that was a fraud...they are still starving
Mike: hold on a second you think the 2000 elections were a fraud right?
Mike: you think the supreme court made a mistake
Mike: you think florida was rigged.
Mike: you think the nation was robbed
Mike: and you hated bush the moment he took office
Mike: no mater what he did you were going to hate him.
Mike: but it is ok
Mike: you watch the news.
candyprincess1515 : i dont hate republicans...
candyprincess1515 : i didnt hate him when he took office
candyprincess1515 : i hated him when he attacked someone that didnt have anything to do with 911
Mike: well tath is good
Mike: can I tell you that the supreme court did not steel the election
Mike: and that florida did vote for bush
Mike: and you have been lied to..
Mike: but that is ok.
Mike: can we talk about the sanctions
Mike: and inspections
Mike: you think the sanctions were better then war right?
candyprincess1515 : o-kay what are sanctions
Mike: sactions are economic restrictions
Mike: the restrictions we had on Iraq
Mike: were started with scr 661
Mike: and re affirmed in scr 687
candyprincess1515 : k
Mike: in scr 687 they said that sanctions would be reviewed every 60 days... and if sadam complied with the SCR 687 they would be lifted.
Mike: for 13 years sanctions were in place.
Mike: basically at first no trading could be done.
Mike: in actuality
Mike: in the beggining
Mike: humanitarian aid was sent to Iraq.
Mike: not sold or traded
Mike: just sent to IRaq
Mike: to feed the starving and ill..
Mike: Hey do you know how easy it would of been if the US joined ww2 earlier and stopped Hitler before he invaded france and the rest of europe.
Mike: do you know what d-day was
Mike: it was a day we dropped millions of men on france
candyprincess1515 : dooms day
Mike: and drove them on beaches
Mike: because we had to get troops onto the main land
candyprincess1515 : true
Mike: band of brothers actualy covered d-day
Mike: you might want to watch it.
Mike: it is far harder to attack then defend
Mike: it would of been easy if europe got together and defened it from hitler.
Mike: instead hitler marched though europe
Mike: he made deals with italy and russia
Mike: he was pretty secure
candyprincess1515 : yeah
Mike: even though he eventually invaded russia and killed 25 million people.
Mike: 25 million people... incase you are wonderin is a lot of men...
Mike: oh that is right
Mike: did I mention
Mike: men were killed women didn't fight.
Mike: it is ok though
Mike: 25 million forced to fight and die for the mother land
Mike: you know what happened if troops turned and ran from the enemy?
Mike: they were shot by there own troops
candyprincess1515 : oo
Mike: if a soldier didn't attack theyw ere shot by there officers.
Mike: anyways
Mike: back to what we were talking about
Mike: sanctions.
Mike: if youw ant to read
Mike: there are a lot of web pages on it
Mike: but read this line.
Mike: Do U.S. officials really wish to assert their moral authority by claiming that “only” 227,000–350,000 children died rather than 500,000?
Mike: interesting statement huh?
candyprincess1515 : very interesting
candyprincess1515 : the govt hides so many things
Mike: yah
Mike: but did you read that?
Mike: only 227,000-350,000 children died during sanctions.
Mike: died of starvation.
Mike: you know the revised numbers are much larger.
Mike: they estimate over 1 million Iraqis died during sanctions.
Mike: over 13 years
Mike: they say about 100,000 Iraqies died the year before the invation
Mike: and about 250,000 died while bush was in office.
Mike: btw
Mike: bush rushed to war.
candyprincess1515 : sure did
candyprincess1515 : with no plans
Mike: I mean only 250,000 iraqis died while he was in office.
Mike: shit if we waited
Mike: they would of all been dead
Mike: except the military which sadam fed.
candyprincess1515 : but u see the war was of WMD's not on how he treated his ppl, not if he had ties with alqueda
Mike: ?
Mike: reallied
Mike: really?
Mike: you don't listen to the president much do you.
candyprincess1515 : yes. bush told us that
Mike: you have never seen a speach.
Mike: lets do this.
Mike: shall we.
candyprincess1515 : so what
candyprincess1515 : do*
Mike: can we try somehting.
Mike: but first
Mike: you supported sanctions right?
candyprincess1515 : i dont support anything i dont know about
Mike: I mean 1 million Iraqis is a small price to pay..
candyprincess1515 : or have enough info about
Mike: to keep sadam from getting wmd's right?
Mike: That is my point
Mike: I don't htink you have enough information about the war in Iraq.
Mike: you watch
Mike: cbs, abc, nbc, cnn
candyprincess1515 : he couldnt get the WMD's since 1991
Mike: and belive them.
Mike: do you know what operation desert fox was?
candyprincess1515 : no i do not know
Mike: MISSION: To strike military and security targets in Iraq that contribute to Iraq's ability to produce, store, maintain and deliver weapons of mass destruction
Mike: your information is misleading
Mike: you watch the main stream media..
Mike: it is ok
Mike: you should go on the net and look more
Mike: so do you support operation desert fox?
Mike: MISSION GOALS: To degrade Saddam Hussein's ability to make and to use weapons of mass destruction. To diminish Saddam Hussein's ability to wage war against his neighbors. To demonstrate to Saddam Hussein the consequences of violating international obligations.3
Mike: those mission statements are directly from the government.
Mike: do you think the goverment would lie to justify attack Iraq?
Mike: Hello?
candyprincess1515 : with Bush as pres. yes
Mike: so do you think Operation Desert fox was a mistake?
Mike: mis leading?
Mike: and you supported sanctions right?
Mike: 1 million dead is ok.
candyprincess1515 : i said i dont support anything i dont know about
Mike: ?
Mike: ok
Mike: well
Mike: look
Mike: why are you fight ing me..
Mike: I am just giving you information
Mike: I am not telling you to think differently
candyprincess1515 : im not fighting lol
Mike: if you get information
Mike: and change your mind
Mike: you should feel good that you grew
Mike: that you now understand.
Mike: right?
Mike: I feel better when I am told things I didn't know.
Mike: 1 million dead don't matter.
Mike: Here you believe cnn
Mike: right?
Mike: you can read this if you want.
candyprincess1515 : hey sry im back...i have to go though! ttyl
candyprincess1515 : bye
Mike: ?
candyprincess1515 has signed out. (10/18/2004 5:31 PM)

Mike: You know if you ever want to consider that you are being lied to or ever want to know more information let me know..

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Kerry's economic policy

If you go to you will not find any details, just that he will create jobs. I guess John Kerry has some magic wand that will create jobs, but only when he is president. And when he becomes president he will get everything he wants done because the sentate and the house will bow down to him.

The truth is John Kerry doesn't care about the economy and never has. He doesn't see tax cuts stimulate the economy. Putting money into the economy stimulates the economy. Weather it is increased government spendings, or tax cuts, the economy grows. Increasing spending isn't a good idea because eventually you will have to pay for it or cut the programs. When ever you buy something you always want to get the best value. So the programs we support must be important. Cutting taxes only works when you cut taxes. The very rich in this country pay very little taxes. They have the ability to seem poor and thus pay no taxes. The poor in this country. The people who do not work or don't earn much do not pay taxes at all. Infact the bottom 50% pays less then 4% of the federal income tax. So you could cut everyone's taxes below the 50% mark and only give 4% of the money back to the people. Some say this is a good idea. Who else is left? The top 1% pay a million dollars or more. I bet none of you know where you stand. Basically if you make 26,000 or more you are in the top 50%.

So if you make less then 26,000 you don't realy pay much taxes. Yet it seems like you pay a lot, doesn't it? Imagine how it feels to make less then a million and more then 26,000. Because most people who make over a million dollars have great tax attorneys. They do not go to H&R block. They don't file a 1040 ez. They set up companies off shore and pay taxes to other nations and hide money and do many tricks to not may taxes here.

So when you say Bush gave the rich tax cuts, you are right. But he didn't give Kerry's Wife a tax cut. She doesn't pay income tax like you and me. Kerry files seperately and declares his salary as a senator. He made almost as much selling "Half" of a painting this year then he did being a senator. Why half of a painting, because he sold his share of a painting valued at 1.3 million dollars. I don't know about you, but my dad never sold a 1.3 million dollar painting or half of one. I bet he has never seen a 1.3 million dollar painting. Who did he sell his "half" of the painting to???? No one knows, well someone knows just not me. And I am guessing you don't know. If you do know let me know can you. The funny thing is he bought the painting in 96 I think for 500,000. Which is amazing because he only made about120k that year. Now that is some budgeting. I don't know how he was able to buy half of a 500,000 painting when he only made 120k. I think he used his magic wand. Maybe that is how he will be able to pay for a 2 trillion dollar increase to the government with 600 million in tax hikes. Will he pay more in taxes.. not as a senator. Will his wife pay more. Not likely. Her attorney will find a loop hole. Will buisness owners pay.. If they are a sucessful company they will. If they are lucky and hard working they will pay more taxes. About 10-15% more taxes. So yes, small buisness owners that work hard and are lucky will pay more taxes under Kerry's Plan. YAHHH kerry.

Now remember tax cuts stimulate the economy. Those business owners create jobs. They also buy cars, they also buy houses, computers, boats, they buy food, go to nice reasturants and crappy reasturants that are expensive. So if you get your money from someone that makes more then 200k you will get less of it. If you are a student and your parents make more then 200k, you will get less of there money.

Taxes and the Economy. People vote there wallets I find. So when ever I see stats about Who can handle the economy better I laugh. There is always a large percentage of morons who think Kerry can do more for the economy. But can he? He has been in congress 20 years and haven't heard anything. he was in congress in 91 when they forces Bush 41 (41st president George Herbert Walker Bush). And what do you know it caused a recession, oh and what else he didn't get elected. Reagon won because people needed someone to fix the economy. Carter lost because the economy sucks. Ask people what they liked about Clinton and you get "the economy" even though everything clinton did hurt the economy and the republican congress was the one that stimulated the economy. Clinton did promote a feeling on confidence. the problem of course was people were to confident and spent too much money, money they didn't have. The same thing that happened before the great depression. I truelly felt bush would of had a depression if he didn't pass tax cuts so fast. Rememeber those 300 dollar tax checks. I think some 63 million people got them.. 1.9 billion dollars. It is amazing how little money it takes to make a lot of people happy. I remember how many people looked forward to the checks and spent it right away. Some of them used it to make payments to credit cards bills they racked up during clinton. some of them bought a new toy or PS2. Still more went down to walmart who cashed them and bought food, and cloths and other things they needed. Why did walmart cash the checks? Because many people did not have bank accounts. How can it be that some people do not have bank accounts? I boggles my mind, but it shows how shaky our economy truely is.

Some people think Bush didn't care about the economy. That simply is not true. If you go to ( is a porn site) you will see that he constantly talked about it. Go to the current News section and you can see every speach he ever made and all the meetings he had. All the things he did. Many of them have audio and video too. don't believe me? One of the first things bush did was pass tax cuts to stimulate the economy, those tax cuts were designed to stimulate the economy with out going into a deficit. After 9.11 the nation came together by then the senate was in the control of democrates. I remember countless speaches where bush pleeded with the senate to pass a economic stimulus package for months and months he begged and pleeded yet the senate would not vote on anything. The stimulus was simple and it was to move up the tax cuts so the full tax cuts could be felt immediatly. For over a year the economy slipped further and further. Finally the the nation voted and gave the senate back to the republicans. Immediatly the senate put the tax cuts to a vote. It passed that was about 20 months ago then in may the president signed the second part witch gave tax cuts to small and large buisnesses to encourage Reasearch and developement, to encourage buisness growth. That was 15 months ago, for the last 13 months our economy did a complete 180. Instead of loosing jobs we started to gain jobs. Now why doesn't anyone ask Senator Kerry why the senate didn't want to vote on the presidents economic policy?? Who's Economic policy failed ??? The presidents policy when passed worked. Senator Kerry's policy of doing nothing was what hurt this economy? The media will never ask Kerry this.. and it is sad.

Well I am annoyed, I am going for a bike ride. Let me know if you think I am wrong.