Friday, December 17, 2004

What should be taught.

A conversation everyone should read..

mantion (12:25:16 AM): did you hear about that school in mass?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:25:19 AM): i'm sorry
havingalittlebitoffun (12:25:19 AM): no
havingalittlebitoffun (12:25:31 AM): what happened
mantion (12:25:33 AM): They had a gay awareness day..
mantion (12:26:13 AM): Now I don't care what happens after school and on weekends and such but why do they have to spend an entire day out of 180 teaching kids about gay, lesbian and trans gender ??
havingalittlebitoffun (12:26:15 AM): is that unusual?
mantion (12:26:23 AM): Shouldn't it be unusual..
mantion (12:26:28 AM): I mean it isn't a pasive day
mantion (12:26:50 AM): it isn't like memorial day where they have a name but don't do anything different..
mantion (12:27:19 AM): they actually had assemblies and work shops the whole day and if a student didn't want to partisipate they could go to the library..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:27:29 AM): well hey it's for the best
mantion (12:27:34 AM): k
mantion (12:27:35 AM): take care
havingalittlebitoffun (12:27:40 AM): ok
mantion (12:27:43 AM): I am done talking to you.
havingalittlebitoffun (12:27:48 AM): seriously?
mantion (12:27:54 AM): Yes seriously..
mantion (12:28:04 AM): a school budger is about 50 million dollars a year..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:28:31 AM): it was one school out of how ever many schools there are in the united states
mantion (12:28:38 AM): that means every day. 250,000 dollars is spent on salaries, eletricity...
havingalittlebitoffun (12:28:56 AM): if they want to blow their budget on a gay/lesbian/trans lifestyle day
havingalittlebitoffun (12:28:58 AM): they can
mantion (12:29:07 AM): that means 250,000 dollars for that school money payed by tax payers was spent teaching kids about gya lesbian trans..
mantion (12:29:29 AM): Lets look at it this way..
mantion (12:30:01 AM): How can you say that..
mantion (12:30:02 AM): first of all
mantion (12:30:06 AM): it isn't their budget
mantion (12:30:12 AM): it is the towns budget
mantion (12:30:16 AM): it is the tax payers budget
mantion (12:30:21 AM): it is the voters budget..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:30:29 AM): actually the tax payers and whoever else pay into it
havingalittlebitoffun (12:30:37 AM): just give the $$ for the school to use
mantion (12:30:39 AM): to spend a whole day.. on something so trivial..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:30:44 AM): they have a say in the matter
mantion (12:30:51 AM): Yah they give money to the school..
mantion (12:30:55 AM): and they don't have a choice
havingalittlebitoffun (12:30:55 AM): but it is ultimately the school
mantion (12:31:01 AM): they are forced to give that money
mantion (12:31:11 AM): shouldn't the school answer to the will of the people..
mantion (12:31:16 AM): come on
mantion (12:31:20 AM): think for yourself for a second
havingalittlebitoffun (12:31:25 AM): i am
mantion (12:31:27 AM): the school serves the people..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:31:33 AM): if i had kids
mantion (12:31:42 AM): yah?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:31:52 AM): i would rather have someone else explain to them about the "other" lifestlye
mantion (12:31:59 AM): intersting..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:32:02 AM): it would be more informative
havingalittlebitoffun (12:32:07 AM): not as biased
mantion (12:32:17 AM): why can't htey learn about "other" lifestyles froms people they know and trust on there own time..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:32:20 AM): or opinionated as i would have told them
havingalittlebitoffun (12:32:36 AM): well i'm pretty sure i don't hang out with any lesbians or gay people
mantion (12:32:38 AM): why does the government have to fund it..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:32:45 AM): so if i had kids they owuldn't be around "them"
mantion (12:32:45 AM): exactly my point
mantion (12:32:51 AM): now most women are bi curious
mantion (12:33:02 AM): estimates are between 75-90% women
havingalittlebitoffun (12:33:14 AM): and what is the % rate for males?
mantion (12:33:25 AM): but true gay lesbian and trans gender make up between 1-2% of the population.
havingalittlebitoffun (12:34:18 AM): ok
mantion (12:34:23 AM): so why are we spending a day to deal with such a small and contraversal idea?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:34:33 AM): no clue
mantion (12:34:35 AM): do you believe in swining or wife swapping?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:34:37 AM): ok i have a stupid ?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:34:39 AM): no
havingalittlebitoffun (12:34:41 AM): and no
mantion (12:34:47 AM): you know where you swhich wifes with your friends..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:34:48 AM): do you
mantion (12:34:48 AM): ok..
mantion (12:34:50 AM): good..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:35:00 AM): that wasn't my stupid ?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:35:02 AM): but ok
mantion (12:35:15 AM): how about having an affair or cheating on your spouse?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:35:21 AM): nope
mantion (12:35:24 AM): Ok..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:35:25 AM): you
mantion (12:35:32 AM): I have no hard numbers on it..
mantion (12:35:52 AM): but far more people swap wifes and have affairs then live a gay or lesbian lifestyle..
mantion (12:36:10 AM): should a school spend a day talking about cheatin on there wife?
mantion (12:36:18 AM): or talk about swapping wifes or husbands.
mantion (12:36:20 AM): ?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:36:24 AM): so you would rather have schools spend a day telling their students it is ok to cheat and swap wives?
mantion (12:36:30 AM): many people in this country choose that life style..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:36:34 AM): i would rather have the school talk about the gay and lesbian lifestyle
mantion (12:36:42 AM): wait are yoiu saying it is wrong to cheat on your wife?
mantion (12:36:44 AM): or husband.?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:37:01 AM): i'm saying it's wrong to cheat for both parties
mantion (12:37:05 AM): ??
mantion (12:37:16 AM): Look I have a good friend and in a way my boss..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:37:17 AM): but i forgot to type husbands on there
mantion (12:37:24 AM): I met her because she is sleeping with my roomate..
mantion (12:37:27 AM): she is married..
mantion (12:37:34 AM): I don't think anything wrong about her...
mantion (12:37:45 AM): though I think she should be honest with her husband She is a really nice girl
mantion (12:37:48 AM): a very sweet girl
mantion (12:37:57 AM): so what do you say?
mantion (12:38:02 AM): should I look down on her?
mantion (12:38:04 AM): seriously?
mantion (12:38:07 AM): is she a bad person?
mantion (12:38:16 AM): so many people cheat on there spouse...
havingalittlebitoffun (12:38:43 AM): basically yeah she is "bad" person
mantion (12:38:54 AM): intersting..
mantion (12:38:58 AM): that is yoiru view right?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:38:58 AM): but hell if she is enjoying sleeping with your roommate and not being honest with her husban
havingalittlebitoffun (12:39:01 AM): that is her problem
mantion (12:39:01 AM): it isn't my view..
mantion (12:39:10 AM): I think she is a good person.
mantion (12:39:14 AM): in a bad situation..
mantion (12:39:17 AM): but you don't know her
havingalittlebitoffun (12:39:21 AM): of her choosing?
mantion (12:39:21 AM): but you choose to judge her..
mantion (12:39:30 AM): and being gay is a choice..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:39:46 AM): actually i'm for the your born that way kind of thing
mantion (12:39:46 AM): Look
havingalittlebitoffun (12:39:51 AM): you're not born to cheat and lie
mantion (12:40:00 AM): well talk to people who were gay and overcame it..
mantion (12:40:06 AM): look I am just trying to show both sides..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:40:10 AM): actually i have
havingalittlebitoffun (12:40:14 AM): and they're not over it
mantion (12:40:34 AM): My point is far more people cheat on there spouse then have a gay or lesbian lifestyle..
mantion (12:40:47 AM): so why is it you get to decide what is write and wrong?
mantion (12:40:54 AM): why is it your view is right and my view is wrong?
mantion (12:41:01 AM): I think it is ok that she cheats on her husband
mantion (12:41:09 AM): I think she is an adult and she has that choice
havingalittlebitoffun (12:41:16 AM): i'm not saying you're wrong
mantion (12:41:19 AM): I personally think she should talk to her husband..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:41:20 AM): i don't agree with you but that is life
mantion (12:41:24 AM): you are saying i am wrong
mantion (12:41:29 AM): youa re saying she is a bad person
mantion (12:41:33 AM): and you don't know her..
mantion (12:41:40 AM): but she does somethign yoiu disagree with..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:41:45 AM): actually i said she is basically
havingalittlebitoffun (12:41:54 AM): not a def answer
mantion (12:41:57 AM): so because yoiu disagree with her choice in life she is bad...
mantion (12:41:59 AM): right..
mantion (12:42:00 AM): right..
mantion (12:42:01 AM): she is bad
mantion (12:42:06 AM): you said she is bad..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:42:13 AM): i said basically she is bad
havingalittlebitoffun (12:42:19 AM): but what is the definition of bad
havingalittlebitoffun (12:42:24 AM): a dog peeing on the floor is bad
mantion (12:42:27 AM): I think yoiu are starting to see the view of people that don't believe in homosexuality being taught in school..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:42:30 AM): a run in a persons hose is bad
havingalittlebitoffun (12:42:34 AM): not doing the dishes is bad
havingalittlebitoffun (12:42:55 AM): huh?
havingalittlebitoffun (12:43:01 AM): i think it should be taught in school
mantion (12:43:02 AM): don't fight it because you have been brain washed for years..
mantion (12:43:08 AM): Iw as in school too..
mantion (12:43:16 AM): it wasn't till years after I got out of school
mantion (12:43:31 AM): and spent many, many hours thinking about everthing that I formed my believes..
mantion (12:43:41 AM): it wasn't because of an absence of thought...
mantion (12:43:51 AM): it was a active process with a lot of thought ..
mantion (12:44:10 AM): yoiu are not seeing my point and it is sad..
mantion (12:44:21 AM): my point is you think it is bad to cheat on your spouse..
mantion (12:44:26 AM): yet so many people do it...
havingalittlebitoffun (12:44:34 AM): doesn't make it right
mantion (12:44:36 AM): so many people obviously don't have a problem with it..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:44:43 AM): obviously
mantion (12:44:45 AM): a lot of people are gay..
mantion (12:44:50 AM): doesn't make it right..
mantion (12:44:53 AM): but you agree with one
havingalittlebitoffun (12:44:54 AM): i know
mantion (12:44:55 AM): and not the other..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:45:02 AM): i'm not for being gay
mantion (12:45:08 AM): why should one be taught and one shouldn't be..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:45:09 AM): but it's their chose
havingalittlebitoffun (12:45:12 AM): just like cheating
havingalittlebitoffun (12:45:19 AM): i don't really stand for either one
mantion (12:45:19 AM): you are for teaching different lifestyles..
mantion (12:45:24 AM): cheating is a lifestyle.
havingalittlebitoffun (12:45:31 AM): well cheating is taught if the parents cheat on each other
mantion (12:45:32 AM): being monogomus is a life style..
mantion (12:45:42 AM): oh that isn't true..
mantion (12:45:45 AM): that isn't true at all..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:45:55 AM): how isn't it taught
mantion (12:46:11 AM): cheating is cause by a person going outside thier relationship to get needs and wants met...
mantion (12:46:38 AM): Look...
mantion (12:46:41 AM): my point is..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:46:43 AM): ok
mantion (12:46:46 AM): one you agree with one you don't..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:46:49 AM): what is the whole point of being in a relationship
havingalittlebitoffun (12:47:01 AM): if you're not getting the needs and wants that needt obe there
mantion (12:47:05 AM): but still many people choose to live a lifestyle that is not monogomus..
havingalittlebitoffun (12:47:07 AM): why not just break up/ divorce
havingalittlebitoffun (12:47:10 AM): and start over
mantion (12:47:19 AM): look..
mantion (12:47:29 AM): the descussion is one thing you agree with
mantion (12:47:32 AM): one thing yoiu don't..
mantion (12:47:43 AM): it is like saying why dont' you just be straight..
mantion (12:47:54 AM): why don't you stop being gay..
mantion (12:48:02 AM): why dont'you get a divorse..
mantion (12:48:13 AM): the point is one yoiu agree with..
mantion (12:48:15 AM): one you don't..
mantion (12:48:29 AM): there are people who agree with sex outside the marrage..
mantion (12:48:42 AM): and there are people who agree with same sex ... sex..
mantion (12:48:53 AM): some agree with one
mantion (12:48:58 AM): some agree with the other
mantion (12:49:01 AM): some agree with both
mantion (12:49:05 AM): some agree with neither..
mantion (12:49:14 AM): Why on earth is it in our schools..
mantion (12:49:18 AM): it can be in our media
mantion (12:49:26 AM): it can be on prime time..
mantion (12:49:31 AM): it can be in magizines
mantion (12:49:34 AM): it can be online
mantion (12:49:37 AM): it can be after school
mantion (12:49:44 AM): it can be before school..
mantion (12:49:52 AM): but why during school.
mantion (12:49:54 AM): ?
mantion (12:50:30 AM): ?
mantion (12:50:35 AM): hello?
mantion (12:50:46 AM): is it possible to love 2 people..
mantion (12:50:53 AM): is it possible to love someone and make a mistake.
mantion (12:51:02 AM): is it possible to love someone but not get what you need from them..
mantion (12:51:12 AM): is it possible to love someone of the same sex?
mantion (12:51:20 AM): Hello?

Part 2

mantion (12:51:20 AM): Hello?
mantion (12:58:06 AM): Hey sorry you didn't want to think abou this stuff.. I guess it is just easier for people to not expand there thoughts and think for them selves...
mantion (12:58:16 AM): Well I felt the discussion is worth sharing..
mantion (12:58:27 AM): maybe when you get a second maybe you can read it again...
mantion (12:59:45 AM):
havingalittlebitoffun (1:00:08 AM): no thank you
mantion (1:00:28 AM): Hey what ever..
mantion (1:00:50 AM): if you don't want to understand others views that ok...
mantion (1:02:25 AM): Just to let you know a lot of people liked our conversation... Well only 3 so far but that is pretty good for such a short time.
mantion (1:03:16 AM): 4
havingalittlebitoffun (1:03:54 AM): you only have opinions on 4 things or did you just feel like typing 4
mantion (1:04:10 AM): one more person started reading it..
mantion (1:04:18 AM): I send the link to eveyone in my list.
mantion (1:04:28 AM): they are not done
mantion (1:04:45 AM): they are giveing me their opinions while they read.
mantion (1:04:53 AM): I am sorry you don't like other peoples views..
mantion (1:05:00 AM): and you get so upset that I think differently
havingalittlebitoffun (1:05:03 AM): i never said i disliked them
mantion (1:05:05 AM): and that I am not allowed to think that wya..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:05:13 AM): i just have another view
havingalittlebitoffun (1:05:21 AM): i never said you can't think that way
mantion (1:05:26 AM): Why should your views be taught and someone elses should be opressed..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:05:37 AM): why are htey my views
havingalittlebitoffun (1:05:45 AM): if my views were taught
mantion (1:05:51 AM): should they have a heterosexual day, where heterosexuals come in and talk about there life and marrage??
havingalittlebitoffun (1:05:52 AM): there wouldn't be any school
mantion (1:05:55 AM): would that be right too..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:05:55 AM): or place to have them taught
havingalittlebitoffun (1:06:02 AM): sounds good
havingalittlebitoffun (1:06:04 AM): yeah
mantion (1:06:11 AM): why did the school say no to it..
mantion (1:06:23 AM): why didn't the school send a note home to parents telling them about the day..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:06:29 AM): and then they should have the cheaters come in and say hey kids this is our lifestyle
mantion (1:06:38 AM): why did the school stop a ex homosexual come in and talk about how he changed..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:07:03 AM): well how is the school "hurting" anyone by having a homosexual day at school
havingalittlebitoffun (1:07:09 AM): in the long run
mantion (1:07:16 AM): Why did 2 parents the went to the school to see what was being taught to there kids forced to leave by the police?
mantion (1:07:26 AM): why can't parents know what there kids are being taught..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:07:34 AM): maybe they overreacted
mantion (1:07:37 AM): should the parents knows...
havingalittlebitoffun (1:07:38 AM): maybe they caused a scene
mantion (1:07:42 AM): nope
havingalittlebitoffun (1:07:44 AM): maybe you don't have the whole story
mantion (1:08:08 AM): they were just recording the speakers so other parents who weren't there could know what there kidds were being told so they could talk to there kids about the matters..
mantion (1:08:13 AM): Maybe I do.
mantion (1:08:18 AM): maybe you don't want to know what I know
mantion (1:08:24 AM): maybe no one has the "whole" story..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:08:25 AM): maybe i don't care
mantion (1:08:30 AM): exactly..
mantion (1:08:35 AM): You don't care..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:08:38 AM): ok
havingalittlebitoffun (1:08:43 AM): there it is
mantion (1:08:45 AM): why are police removing the parents..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:09:01 AM): obviously they had a good enough reason too
mantion (1:09:01 AM): kids can watch
mantion (1:09:05 AM): teachers can watch.
mantion (1:09:16 AM): janitors can watch.
mantion (1:09:20 AM): but parents can't watch..
mantion (1:09:26 AM): they were not stopping anyone..
mantion (1:09:35 AM): they were not getting in the way..
mantion (1:09:57 AM): the presentatin was still going on..
mantion (1:10:09 AM): is it possible that your bias is standing in the way of common sence?
havingalittlebitoffun (1:10:22 AM): were you there
havingalittlebitoffun (1:10:25 AM): do you know the entire story
mantion (1:10:31 AM): no but we are just talking about it..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:10:35 AM): do you know what those parents were doing
mantion (1:10:41 AM): I read 2 articles about it and saw a news show..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:10:41 AM): when the police escorted htem out
mantion (1:10:46 AM): Yes..
mantion (1:10:50 AM): Yes.. I do..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:10:51 AM): wow 2 articles a news show
mantion (1:10:57 AM): what ever..
havingalittlebitoffun (1:11:02 AM): as if they were going ot be unbiased

Some people are so blind they can not see the obvious though there own bias.. Amazing how some people can get so angry that they can't hear reason.. you have to understand before you can decide. If something doesn't make sence, Understand it, listen, ask question and understand the other view, then make your decision.. If you don't understand you are not making a decision... Don't fight other peoples views for you are fighting your own growth..


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