Friday, June 10, 2005

a great conversation with 4 liberals

all these guys came into a Pro bush chat room in Yahoo and and spoke out against bush.. eventually I got them to talk to me 1 on 1.. most would not talk to me and had their IM off.. but here are the conversations...

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:24:05 AM): tou repub are a trip

Mike (6/10/2005 6:24:13 AM): hey

Mike (6/10/2005 6:24:14 AM): how you doing

Mike (6/10/2005 6:24:18 AM): thanks for writing..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:24:20 AM): no debate in ya

Mike (6/10/2005 6:24:23 AM): do ya got a second..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:24:25 AM): oh

Mike (6/10/2005 6:24:26 AM): ok

Mike (6/10/2005 6:24:29 AM): well thanks for writting..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:24:30 AM): sure

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:24:48 AM): r u up to a debate

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:25:02 AM): i didnt think so

Mike (6/10/2005 6:25:24 AM): No I am up for debate

Mike (6/10/2005 6:25:30 AM): Ever second every day..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:25:37 AM): dont lie to me

Mike (6/10/2005 6:25:39 AM): can I ask you a question, but to be fair you can ask me anything.

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:25:55 AM): sure anything

Mike (6/10/2005 6:25:57 AM): ?

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:01 AM): ar eyou asking or am I?

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:26:08 AM): go

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:10 AM): cool

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:23 AM): so every day I hear stories about 23 people getting blown up in Iraq..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:28 AM): and like 6 of them are americans....

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:26:31 AM): i dont want to argue tho

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:35 AM): you hear stuff like that too right?

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:42 AM): I hear it every fucking day

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:46 AM): 6 more people dead

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:52 AM): 12 more people dead 2 americans

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:26:53 AM): not 6 everyday

Mike (6/10/2005 6:26:59 AM): stuff like that....

Mike (6/10/2005 6:27:05 AM): every day it is a different number.

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:27:09 AM): alot of iraqes

Mike (6/10/2005 6:27:10 AM): but same idea..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:27:27 AM): diff number right

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:28:03 AM): please forgive me i lost some sight in nam

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:28:13 AM): iam tryin

Mike (6/10/2005 6:28:15 AM): so if 23 men die.. and 6 of them are american.... well who's side are you on ... the 17 Iraq's that stood at a check point to protect the citizens or the one guy with a bomb in his car that blew them all up?

Mike (6/10/2005 6:28:32 AM): which side you on?? just curious seeing that you have seen war....

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:28:39 AM): iam on our side

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:29:06 AM): ]i greive when i hear about our boys die

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:29:20 AM): i have seen war

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:29:33 AM): and i would do anything to stop it

Mike (6/10/2005 6:29:48 AM): ok... so which side are you on.. the guy who blows himself up because he is part of the bath party or some terrorist group.. or the ones who stand on the corner to keep the people safe?

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:29:57 AM): iam american just like you

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:30:13 AM): our politics just differ

Mike (6/10/2005 6:30:17 AM): sure

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:30:23 AM): i dont hate you

Mike (6/10/2005 6:30:25 AM): so which side are you on.. it is a simple question.

Mike (6/10/2005 6:30:28 AM): i don't hate you either..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:30:32 AM): hell i dont know you

Mike (6/10/2005 6:31:02 AM): sure.. so which side are you on.. the 17 Iraq's or the terriorist that blew them all up in the middle of a peacful afternoon..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:31:26 AM): one of my best friends in chat from your room just died a month ago and i miss him alot

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:31:45 AM): the 17

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:31:53 AM): and our troups

Mike (6/10/2005 6:32:03 AM): Yah me too buddy .. me too...

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:32:20 AM): we are not that far apart

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:33:03 AM): it was nice talking to you

Mike (6/10/2005 6:33:10 AM): so doyou think any of it was worth it.. do you think the Iraq's are happy to be rid of sadam?? How many people a year did sadam kill.. seeing that they find mass graves with hundres of thousands of dead Iraqies, some men, many kids, many women.. all tourchered and killed...

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:33:52 AM): we put him in power

Mike (6/10/2005 6:34:02 AM): really.. me and you?

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:34:12 AM): we could have taken him out without going to war

Mike (6/10/2005 6:34:15 AM): reagon, ? carter? who ....

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:34:22 AM): america

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:34:33 AM): rep and demos

Mike (6/10/2005 6:34:41 AM): if we took him out with out troops on the ground some other bath party memeber would take over and torcher their citizens just the same..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:35:01 AM): what about when we leave

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:35:22 AM): you know all hell is going to break loose

Mike (6/10/2005 6:35:35 AM): by then the government will be mostly stable.. you knw we were in germany for 7 years....

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:35:50 AM): this aint germ

Mike (6/10/2005 6:35:51 AM): I don't think so.. I mean every month things get better for the most part...

Mike (6/10/2005 6:36:01 AM): Ok..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:36:12 AM): ok watch if we ever leave

Mike (6/10/2005 6:36:25 AM): you know that there was a Island in the pacific.. 20,000 americans died.. by 9 thousand japs...

Mike (6/10/2005 6:36:33 AM): I seem to think the japs and we are friends.

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:36:34 AM): yep

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:37:01 AM): i lost my only uncle in pac

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:37:11 AM): dec 7

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:37:38 AM): we will talk again i hope

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:37:49 AM): i enjoyed this ty

Mike (6/10/2005 6:37:55 AM): ty

Mike (6/10/2005 6:38:04 AM): ttyl anytime..

grobeck2000 (6/10/2005 6:38:12 AM): same here

grobeck2000 has signed back in. (6/10/2005 6:38 AM)

Mike (6/10/2005 5:33:59 AM): r u there?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:34:11 AM): yeah

Mike (6/10/2005 5:34:16 AM): how yah doing

Mike (6/10/2005 5:34:27 AM): got a sec.. I want to know you're views....

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:34:34 AM): yeah go ahead

Mike (6/10/2005 5:34:47 AM): No please you go ahead.. first can I ask you what country you are from?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:35:05 AM): the US

Mike (6/10/2005 5:35:13 AM): Please tell me what you are thinking.. about bush or what ever..

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:35:27 AM): Bush is a liar

Mike (6/10/2005 5:35:33 AM): oh

Mike (6/10/2005 5:35:34 AM): ok

Mike (6/10/2005 5:35:36 AM): about?

Mike (6/10/2005 5:35:42 AM): can you give me a quote?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:35:51 AM): iraq has wmds

Mike (6/10/2005 5:36:01 AM): sooooooo.... can you give me a quote?

Mike (6/10/2005 5:36:05 AM): or be more specific?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:36:17 AM): he said iraq had wmds

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:36:20 AM): but didnt

Mike (6/10/2005 5:36:27 AM): ok..... when I will look it up..

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:36:31 AM): he said sadam had ties to the al queda but didnt

Mike (6/10/2005 5:36:40 AM): ok... when I will look it up.

Mike (6/10/2005 5:36:48 AM): can you give me an idea what month he said this?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:37:04 AM): about the time the invasion of iraq started

Mike (6/10/2005 5:37:15 AM): Ok.. so a week a day a month before hand..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:37:19 AM): shall we look it up together?

Mike (6/10/2005 5:37:38 AM): or are you too busy to read the truth?

Mike (6/10/2005 5:37:58 AM): r u there?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:38:11 AM): yeah i am here

Mike (6/10/2005 5:38:13 AM): k

Mike (6/10/2005 5:38:14 AM): cool

Mike (6/10/2005 5:38:15 AM): thanks

Mike (6/10/2005 5:38:21 AM): so would you like to look it up with me

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:38:21 AM): check out the 911 comission report

Mike (6/10/2005 5:38:24 AM): see if you can find it..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:38:31 AM): it is a big report...

Mike (6/10/2005 5:38:48 AM): and bush didn't write it.. it was written by the 9/11 commision...

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:38:57 AM): thats where i do my research i have a copy of it in book form

Mike (6/10/2005 5:39:04 AM): a group of democrat and republican congressmen..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:39:25 AM): oh ok.. so do you have a page book marked so you can quote from it.. or are you just making all this up..

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:39:35 AM): yeah, it researches iraq's ties to the al queda which bush said existed

Mike (6/10/2005 5:39:40 AM): maybe you could tell me what the first word is on any page..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:39:43 AM): I will check it..

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:39:44 AM): not off hand

Mike (6/10/2005 5:39:57 AM): hmmm

Mike (6/10/2005 5:40:17 AM): so.... can you give me the first word on any of the pages or are you just a typical liberal making up shit as you go along?

Mike (6/10/2005 5:40:22 AM): I can wait..

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:40:34 AM): if i had my book on me i would

Mike (6/10/2005 5:40:35 AM): or we can talk about something else... if you want..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:41:12 AM): OHhhhhhhhh ok got ya.. I thought yo had the book I thought that is what you said ..... "hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:38:57 AM): thats where i do my research i have a copy of it in book form"

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:41:26 AM): i do have it just not with me

Mike (6/10/2005 5:41:28 AM): so you have it just not with you when you are online.. I undestand.....

Mike (6/10/2005 5:41:31 AM): that is cool...

Mike (6/10/2005 5:41:42 AM): so can we do some research together?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:42:04 AM):

Mike (6/10/2005 5:42:31 AM): Hey that is great..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:42:52 AM): want to find me a quote or something.. something of substance.. something you don't make up..

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:43:33 AM):

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:43:40 AM): thats the entire report

Mike (6/10/2005 5:44:34 AM): ok...

Mike (6/10/2005 5:44:43 AM): and do you have a certain part you would like me to read?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:45:01 AM): read about the war on terrorism

Mike (6/10/2005 5:45:04 AM): LOL

Mike (6/10/2005 5:45:08 AM): you are too funny....

Mike (6/10/2005 5:45:09 AM): lol

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:45:26 AM): read that section the al queda and the american homefron

Mike (6/10/2005 5:45:31 AM): ssseriously.. you have never read it... just admit it.. please just be honest...

Mike (6/10/2005 5:45:39 AM): and what section is that..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:45:44 AM): I assume you can give me an idea

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:45:57 AM): chapter 5

Mike (6/10/2005 5:46:00 AM): is it in the front, in the back or "SOMEWHERE" in the middle..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:46:02 AM): LOL

Mike (6/10/2005 5:46:29 AM): ok I will read it.... anything in particular seeing that you are trying to prove a point..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:47:20 AM): Ummm chapter 5 doesn't deal with Al Queda...

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:48:40 AM): Chapter 5: Al Qaida Aims at the American Homeland (312KB)

Mike (6/10/2005 5:49:02 AM): really.. and what in there did you want me to read?

Mike (6/10/2005 5:49:10 AM): find me a line that proves your point..

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:49:12 AM): read this too its the executive sumamary

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:49:15 AM):

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:50:09 AM): and here is something else about sadam's ties to the al queda

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:50:20 AM): NEW YORK, Oct. 5, 2004 — A new CIA report delivered to Vice President Dick Cheney last week calls into question White House assertions of a link between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, officials told ABC News.

Mike (6/10/2005 5:51:03 AM): Ummmm what official told who?? and where did you get that sitation from the new york "make up a story " times?

Mike (6/10/2005 5:51:28 AM): and what does call into question...

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:51:31 AM): here is the link to the articly

Mike (6/10/2005 5:51:35 AM): does that mean they were wrong?

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:51:39 AM):

Mike (6/10/2005 5:51:40 AM): and what was the assertion..

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:52:16 AM): bush said sadam had alot to do with the planning in 911, when according to this article a CIA report calls that assertion into question

Mike (6/10/2005 5:55:46 AM): ok?? can you actually quote bush anywhere when he said that.. surely if they wrote an article then

Mike (6/10/2005 5:55:57 AM): so what is the quote from bush.. he said it right???

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:56:30 AM): read this article

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:56:33 AM):

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:56:54 AM): The reason I keep insisting that there was a relationship between Iraq and Saddam and al Qaeda is because there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda," the Republican president told reporters after meeting with his Cabinet.

Mike (6/10/2005 5:57:14 AM): We did say there were numerous contacts between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda."

Mike (6/10/2005 5:57:17 AM): which there was...

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:57:33 AM): well dude i got to go

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:57:49 AM): give me an email and i will send u some more of my research

hawaiianposer (6/10/2005 5:58:10 AM): i am really tired right now

Mike (6/10/2005 6:00:05 AM): ?????

Mike (6/10/2005 6:00:12 AM): oh come on ......

Mike (6/10/2005 6:00:17 AM): don't leave...

Mike (6/10/2005 6:00:25 AM): you haven't given me one quote that was a lie yet....

Mike (6/10/2005 6:00:34 AM): please get me a quote a simple line..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:40:44 AM): you still around I would love to ask you something..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:24:44 AM): I watch the news.. and I hear 23 men killed in Iraq in 3 stikes 6 american soldiers....

Mike (6/10/2005 5:24:48 AM): you hear the same stuff don't you?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 5:24:55 AM): meh

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 5:24:58 AM): i hear bits and pieces

Mike (6/10/2005 5:25:02 AM): yah..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:25:08 AM): but you hear stuff like that al the time..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:25:42 AM): so who sides are you on.. the 17 iraqies who stand on a corner to defend their country or the 1 guy who strapped a bomb to himself and will blow up anyone in the name of his god???

Mike (6/10/2005 5:26:01 AM): which side are you on.. the guy with a bomb or the guys who keep the citizens safe?

Mike (6/10/2005 5:26:11 AM): dark?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 5:26:31 AM): i say blow all the fuckers up and let em start from scratch

Mike (6/10/2005 5:26:47 AM): congrats you just made my blog..

Mike (6/10/2005 5:26:56 AM): anything else you want to say before I post this?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 5:28:13 AM): blog??

Mike (6/10/2005 5:28:24 AM): don't sweat it...

Mike (6/10/2005 5:28:27 AM): thanks again.

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 5:29:32 AM): ur wierd

Mike (6/10/2005 6:41:14 AM): so you still around?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:41:19 AM): huh??

Mike (6/10/2005 6:41:27 AM): hey what is a mass grave?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:41:38 AM): the say what machine??

Mike (6/10/2005 6:41:41 AM): I keep hearing about it on the news.. stuff about mass graves in Iraq?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:41:58 AM): beats the fuck outa me

Mike (6/10/2005 6:42:11 AM): nooo kidding...

Mike (6/10/2005 6:42:12 AM): lol

Mike (6/10/2005 6:42:24 AM): what do you think a mass grave is..

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:42:25 AM): save the wales nuke bush instead

Mike (6/10/2005 6:42:42 AM): I will give you a hint.. a big hole with dead people in it.....

Mike (6/10/2005 6:42:51 AM): so do you know what a mass grave is..

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:42:59 AM): i know what the fuck a mass grave is moron

Mike (6/10/2005 6:43:57 AM): soo are you like pro mass graves? or just pro none of our buisness?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:44:21 AM): blow the hole fucking country up

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:44:24 AM): even better yet

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:44:29 AM): blow the whole fucking world up

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:44:36 AM): destroy this chunk of rock

Mike (6/10/2005 6:44:50 AM): you must be a liberal..

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:45:03 AM): no i just think bush is a fucking moron

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:45:08 AM): im an isolationist

Mike (6/10/2005 6:45:34 AM): so does that mean I have to be an isolatinist.. or can I vote for a guy who is fixing stuff.. here and abroad?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:46:01 AM): well wen bush starts fixing stuff here ill consider it

Mike (6/10/2005 6:46:24 AM): do you know what a strong dollar policy is?

Mike (6/10/2005 6:46:54 AM): did you know Toyota is opeing a car factory in San Antonio?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:47:06 AM): do you know what a budget deficit is?/

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:47:12 AM): and the prices will skyrocket

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:47:41 AM): there is no point in producing anything in america

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:47:51 AM): other countrys can make them cheaper and better

Mike (6/10/2005 6:47:51 AM): ok??

Mike (6/10/2005 6:48:10 AM): really... then why is toyota opening a masive truck factory in san antonio?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:48:32 AM): because they want people to think they care about the us

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:48:46 AM): one factory isnt enough to make enough vehicals to turn a profit

Mike (6/10/2005 6:49:18 AM): ?

Mike (6/10/2005 6:49:34 AM): oh... do you know what a strong dollar policy is..

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:49:52 AM): nope

Mike (6/10/2005 6:50:16 AM): Ok basically it is to inflate the value of you curancy to make it more valuable to the rest of the world..

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:50:33 AM): inflation is BAD

Mike (6/10/2005 6:50:41 AM): so basically a strong dollar policy makes one dollar buy more yen.. or more peso...

Mike (6/10/2005 6:50:43 AM): make sence

Mike (6/10/2005 6:50:57 AM): is it a good thing for you and me to have a strong dollar or a weak dollar?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:51:00 AM): yea but you cant just make your money worth more

Mike (6/10/2005 6:51:07 AM): sure you can..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:51:16 AM): you buy up your money which drives the price up..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:51:22 AM): it is very simple people do it every day..

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:51:26 AM): then ill make my own dollar and make it worth one undred trillion dollars

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:51:37 AM): you dont buy money

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:51:43 AM): u use money to buy other stuff

Mike (6/10/2005 6:51:47 AM): sure you do..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:51:52 AM): I can buy yen...

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:52:08 AM): no you convert your money into that money

Mike (6/10/2005 6:52:12 AM): I can take 12 american dollars and buy 100 yuan that is the chinese currancy..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:52:22 AM): no actually you buy them..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:52:41 AM): onthe commodities market..well currency but it is the same kind of thing..

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:53:35 AM): things would be so much easier if we went back to a bartering system

Mike (6/10/2005 6:54:11 AM): ok.. well anyways you never answered the question.. which is better for you if you dollar is worth more or less? in the long run?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:54:27 AM): depends

Mike (6/10/2005 6:54:31 AM): ok

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:55:18 AM): wen bush actualy makes our dollar worth more though ill consider it a good thing

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:55:29 AM): nvm scratch that

Mike (6/10/2005 6:55:30 AM): ???

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:55:36 AM): cus then ou deficit would be even larger

Mike (6/10/2005 6:55:54 AM): actually bush doesn't exactly set the policy he sets the tone.. but same basic thing really..

Mike (6/10/2005 6:56:19 AM): so do you want a strong dollar or a weak one.. because I want a weak one and that is what we are getting

Mike (6/10/2005 6:56:25 AM): every month our dollar drops..

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:56:31 AM): everything would be so easier if the us would keep its nose out of other countrys buisness

Mike (6/10/2005 6:56:34 AM): is that a good thing?

Mike (6/10/2005 6:57:10 AM): hey great.. well I am getting tired.. but I would like to finish this some time.. I would like to hear more about not giving a shit about the world ... can I add you?

skilet_head_jr2002 (6/10/2005 6:57:26 AM): shibbly loo

Mike: hi

londin_calling: what up

Mike: Not much.

Mike: got a second.

Mike: I want to know what you think

Mike: you were saying something about an idiot from texas..

Mike: dude...


londin_calling: hold up

Mike: cool.

Mike: ????

Mike: stay with me londin.....

londin_calling: ya bro bush

Mike: om can you speak in sentance form for a second... Please tell me what your point is...

londin_calling: bush sucks trying to take over the whole world making it go crazy over this oil shit bush should be locked up for mass murders over in iraq how about that


Mike: ok

Mike: is that all?

Mike: is that it..

Mike: is that all I am going to get from you..

Mike: fuck..

londin_calling: fuck no thats not it this fuck got 8000 thousand black people just for standing in line to vote

Mike: I thought I was going to get a conversation tonigh...

londin_calling: and trying to take away social sercurity away from old people what the fuck

Mike: OK...

Mike: come on....

Mike: keep going..

londin_calling: he is the one who gave the weapons of mass destruction to saddam then tried to take over another country he just better shut the fuck up and get impeached

Mike: ok....

londin_calling: ya

Mike: hey can I ask you how old you are and what country you were born?

Mike: 15 ?

Mike: 16?

londin_calling: 16 in fucking america this half assed run country

Mike: yah that is about right..

Mike: can I ask you a few questions..

Mike: if you have the time..

Mike: won't take long..

Mike: very simple questions..



Mike: r u there little boy?

londin_calling: what whore u gonna call me little when i know more about this so called president than u

Mike: OH??

Mike: ok well can you answer a question?

londin_calling: ask away

Mike: for me then or are you just going to run..

Mike: we can talk about the president later...

londin_calling: ask away bro

Mike: so I hear a story that 23 People die in Iraq when 3 suicide bombers blow themselves up..

Mike: do you hear stuff like that?

Mike: and 6 of them were americans.....

Mike: you hear stuff like that every day right?

Mike: ?

Mike: simple question yes or no.. please don't change the subject...

Mike: can you answer?

londin_calling: ya man and it all goes back to bush starting all this shit some where somebody lost their son or father how the fuck would u feel

Mike: do you hear stuff like that all the time?

Mike: yes of no

londin_calling: yes i do

Mike: Cool..

londin_calling: no not cool people are dying man

Mike: so which side are you on the 17 Iraqis that died protecting the citizens at a check point or the 3 guys that strapped bombs to them selves....

Mike: which Iraq's do you care about the one's protecting freedom or the one's who strap them selves with explosives and blow themselves up and try to kill ameicans..

londin_calling: well the 17 iraqis because they are just trying to live and some fucking fags decied to take some one eles life fuck that

Mike: UMMM???

Mike: so you are on the 17 Iraq's side with the 6 americans standing at a check point keeping hte rest of the people safe...

londin_calling: ok i'm just answering honestly

Mike: cool thanks.

londin_calling: well u know man i know that in war people are going to die but if u have guns and they should have stopped them man i mean its all bull shit operation iraqi liberation (o.i.l)

Mike: Um.. so which side are you on again? you didn't really answer..

londin_calling: the fucking helpless iraqis

londin_calling: and the helpless americans

Mike: well cool...

Mike: so do you understand what was happening in Iraq between 92 and 2003?

londin_calling: no i really could not tell u all i know is bush sucks ass and it should have been kerry alright

Mike: well is that all you are going to say..

Mike: can I ask you.....

Mike: were there mass graves in Iraq?

Mike: What is a mass grave?

londin_calling: no they just put them in a ditch and torched the bodies pullin a hitler

Mike: Yah that is right..

Mike: pullling a hitler.. that is what sadam was doing.. pulling a hitler..

Mike: so are you some kind of natzi or something?

londin_calling: fuck that nazis are fucking bitches i'm a jehova witness

Mike: I think you are saying you are not for natzi.. and were not for Sadam..

Mike: Sadam was part of the bath party...

Mike: the bath party and other terroist right now are in Iraq from very nations.. blowing up inocent people in the middle of the day.... that is what is happening now.. what was happening before we were there?

londin_calling: i dont know man sorry

Mike: Hey it is cool...

Mike: so what is a mass grave to you .. a bad thing or a good thing?

londin_calling: what it is a fucking horrible thing what the fuck

Mike: sooooo what do you put in mass graves.. or should I say what did sadam..

londin_calling: mass bodies bro the fucking worst thing ever dude damn

Mike: Yah.. the worsed thing ever.. and can you guess how many dead men women and children they found in the mass graves in Iraq?

Mike: Hundres of thoughsands.....

Mike: so if you were pres... and not bush... How many more years would you let sadam fill his graves??

londin_calling: sadam is dead i would have fuckin killed him and let them elect fairly there own pres

Mike: yah but you don't understand.. sadam is the head of the bath party.. if sadam was killed, someone would just stand up and take over just like sadam...

londin_calling: if america steped in not in war of course but just fucking did something about it do u understand

Mike: one more time please..

Mike: Ok.. lets assume you are 30 years older and were elected president in 2000..... What woud you do about Iraq..

londin_calling: become allies with them to have a steady oil flow

Mike: allies with who? sadam?

londin_calling: with iraq

Mike: very interesting... what if sadam doesn't want to be your allie..

londin_calling: well fuck him

Mike: what if sadam hated the US and everything we stand for..

londin_calling: well fuck him

Mike: you know sadam did not like the US right?

londin_calling: ya

Mike: Ok well I am really tired I should of went o bed hours ago.. lets finish this again some time.. I will have some interesting things to show you...

he went on...

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:00:48 AM): whatever i hope u learned something

Mike (6/10/2005 7:01:23 AM): sure..

Mike (6/10/2005 7:01:30 AM): that wer are not very differtent..

Mike (6/10/2005 7:01:35 AM): you and I...

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:02:15 AM): i hate bush and i u do so fuck that

Mike (6/10/2005 7:02:48 AM): I didn't vote for bush.. I was too busy going door to door asking people to in florida...

Mike (6/10/2005 7:02:51 AM): btw we won...

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:03:23 AM): fuck u ass hole in helped in all this mass murders u nazi fuck

Mike (6/10/2005 7:04:03 AM): ??? what mass murder? we stopped the mass murder.. now we stand on the corner and keep the free Iraq's safe.. while people with bombs blow up the Iraq's....

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:04:49 AM): what u whore u want to take lives i heard 5 people just died yesterday

Mike (6/10/2005 7:05:35 AM): yah? how many Americans... And was it a terrorist that blew him self up?

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:06:33 AM): how is that saving lifes

Mike (6/10/2005 7:06:42 AM): ?

Mike (6/10/2005 7:06:48 AM): do you know what a mass grave is?

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:07:03 AM): ya man i'm not remedial

Mike (6/10/2005 7:07:28 AM): oh.. so if hundreds of thousands were killed in 12 years...

Mike (6/10/2005 7:07:43 AM): lets say 500,000 people over 12 years.. lets do the math..

Mike (6/10/2005 7:08:12 AM): that is 114 a day..

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:08:13 AM): o ya well 500000 people just died in that tsunami

Mike (6/10/2005 7:08:23 AM): killed and stuffed into a grave by sadam...

Mike (6/10/2005 7:08:32 AM): what don't you get budy...

Mike (6/10/2005 7:08:40 AM): which is more 6 or 114?

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:08:41 AM): i hate u bush lover

Mike (6/10/2005 7:08:52 AM): you hate the truth then..

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:09:05 AM): why dont u go suck his alleged penis

Mike (6/10/2005 7:09:31 AM): Wow.. you know this is going in my blog..

Mike (6/10/2005 7:09:43 AM): maybe you can tell me something even more interesting..

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:10:19 AM): u wanna put it in bush's blog what

Mike (6/10/2005 7:10:35 AM):

Mike (6/10/2005 7:10:43 AM): your the last one on the blog..

Mike (6/10/2005 7:10:48 AM): great stuff btw

londin_calling (6/10/2005 7:10:52 AM): what the fuck is that

Mike (6/10/2005 7:10:53 AM): i am adding this now..

Mike (6/10/2005 7:10:57 AM): click and see.

Mike (6/10/2005 7:11:01 AM): you can read can't you?


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