Wednesday, January 12, 2005


how many people knew how to spell that a month ago..

Did I spell it right...

maybe it was the fact that I was in hotel room boerd and couldn't sleep....

But I actually payed attention to what was going on.. When I found out what had actually happened with the earth quake and the entire sea floor rose 25 meters.. and it was a 8.1 earth quake I was stunned.. I said that I felt over 200,000 people would die.. mind you that I know a good bit about the area and the news was saying 20,000 -60,000 dead...

Then I heard how we werre giving them 35 million dollars well at fist it was like 15 million.. I was in shock..

I mean if people knew the type of people in that reagon and the reason why they way they are.. I bet they would not be giving money..

I am sure if htey listened to the radio the day before the tsunami, or read the newspaper articles they would realise how much most of those people hate the US and the west.. the really strange thing is all of them would like to become american citizens...

Even the ones that want to kill us and strap bombs to themselves would like to live in a free nation.. A nation with a healty economy.. a place where eating isn't the major worry..

Now some people who don't know me would think I am heartless. that is simply not true.. I dare you to find a person that goes out of there way to help people then I.. Complete stranges .. I have helped.. I think people think I am crazy and many don't believe that I would go to such length to help them.. that is just who I am..

But these people don't need our money
sure they need our help they need food and helecopters to get it there.. but they needed food before all this.. they sold there land and there souls to vacation resorts...

Where the elite of the world spend there time because they can treat everyone like shit and they come back for more..

I have chatted with countless people in the region online for years now.. I am amazed how well they speak english and the amount of slang they know.. It simply amazes me how smart, capable and caring they are..

then you talk to them about the world and you realise how limited there education is.. Sure they know where the US is and where Europe is.. They know what christians are and jews.. but it is like being in the south after the civil war.. they just don't get it......

They think Osama is a good man.. Now I don't hate Osama because of 9/11.. Not a big fan of him for it.. but hate him because he doesn't care.. He truely doesn't he is full of hate... He doesn't do what he does because he loves his people. If he loved his people he would not represent them so.. He doesn't even care about power like Sadam did.. He is just evil he hates and he lives on death...

But people don't follow people who live on death... So why do they follow him.. Well silly, he doesn't tell him that.. He tells them how much they are hated and how much the US hates muslems and no matter what bad thing happens he blames it on the US... Not even the rest of the world he just blames it on the US... He blames it on our presidents, he blames it on anything..

Now this didn't start with Bush. This didn't start with 9/11. Just 9/11 was hard for people to miss.. Sure they missed the cole and the first time he attacked the twin towers.. We all forgot the 6 people that died the first time and we didn't care he took over a nation devistated by war...

He and his hate followers took over a nathion of simple traditional people that just wanted to grow there drugs and live in there own little world with there own little religion... They were not advanced people and they spent years fighting the Russians.. Now that is a whole other story.. SO Osama comes in and takes over a beaten up nation that can't stand up to him.. No one elected him no one wanted him. but the fucktards like Clinton just didn't give a shit...

So osama takes over a nation and abuses those who do not listen.. and pays off local war lords and tells everyone to hate.. to hate the US.... sure they hated other people bu that was because they helped the US.. Now anyone who knows Osama knows why he hates the US and I would love to tell you .. but it would take 2 hours and I am far far off topic as it is....

the point is Osama is a bad man who convinces people to be bad people... They blow up little kids taking candy from solders... Not because they wanted to kill the soldiers but because they wanted to kill the kids so it could be blamed on the Americans..

I don't make this stuff up.. I litterly have no life and do a lot of research and talking online.......

That being said indonesia has been having problems with there elections even though they were one of the first democracies in the area, after the Phillopenes of course..

That whole area is a mix and not a good mix.. The muslems are proud traditional people they care aout there family and will do anything for them.. The problem is most of them think that the US is the cause of all there problem.. Now some are open minded most learn a little english, some even know what is going on.. Those are the ones that keep there heads down...

In china during the red invasion they would take the glasses of people and break them.. because intelect was a bad thing in communist china.. sometime they would kill those who tried to learn or teach.. some say they killed the smartest people... But clearly they didn't the smartest people knew to act dumb.. the people who thought they were smart but clearly not... they were the one's killed..

So what is going on in that area.. well right now there is a controlled chaos.. Like when you are in an airport and your flight gets canceled. SOme people act up.. SOme people act all nice and do what ever they can to get there seat on the next plane.. but those people who act all nice will be the first people to bitch and scream the next time.. they are the ones who write angry letters and insult the employees behind there backs.. Yah 2 face.....

Well right now.. everyone in that reagion is wanting food... and wil lwait in line to get it and act all greatfull.... and will do it for a little while.. but the people who act up haven't begun to.. Soon we will see some violence.. not much but the little we see will be all over the news.. they want there money and there food and they want us to get out..

strange really... We are taking care of people that don't care about them selves.. We live in a democracy (well a constitutional republic, but most of you call it a democracy..). we live in it because a few men and boys died so we could be.. They saw how an opressive government ony hurts and they had the ability to do something abou tit.... Luckly there was agiant ocean that took months to cross and cost much money to send troops. Luckly the generals didn't understand how we fought wars.. Luckly the french hated the british enough to help us.. Not they didn' tlike the US they just really hatted the british.. and with out there help we would of been a british colloney and the world would be a very very different place. We were the first really.. Our freedom spread with our help.. and many wars and many death .. None of which we wanted.. and all we tried to ignore far too long..

SO right now we feed them, and heal them and bury there dead and pledge money.. We send helicopters around the clock to give food to the starving.. even though they were pretty hungry before and we didn't care..

Some of the areas were developed tourist attractions.. mOst of the places were little shanty towns or fishing towns.. they don't really need our help. they will get buy they are stronger then us, they ae better people then us.. they have been forged by the fire of poverty... Sure they will take our help and they will say thankyou and many will remeber the kidn words the thumbs up of a soldier.. they will remember the smiles of our soldiers... and they will remember the strange food we brought.. the kids I worry about... I really really do.. many of them lost there parents but I am certain they will be ok.. Most of them will be sold if possible.. no real change.. You can guy a young girl for about 250 before I imagine the price will remain the same..

I am amazed people give a shit about this.. Like all of a sudden it bothers them.. it has been going on long before we became a country.. President Bush for 2 years had been urging the world to help do somethign about it.. the world didn' tcare the world didn't understand the UN is a joke and a discrace...

anyways my point is, the angry will be mad soon and when they are mad theywill do stupid things... I said from day 2 that we should not help them and that they hate us.. not all of us but most of them.. from day 2 I worried that some american soldier delivering food will be killed .... that some american doctor will be raped or go missing.. that bombs will go off in our camps and that blood will be sheed.. I hope to god people stop giving..
I hope to god people get a clue... this money we send will be used for food and bandages at first but in the end the corrupt governments, the dictators of hate will get that money.. They will use it to oprress the people who like the west and then blame the west for the opressin.. Like spanking a baby for crying... strange how that works...

They will make there people suffer until they hate us and hate us more.. They will tell them the US caused the tsunami, they will tell them the reason why we helped was to take over there culture.. they will tell them our soldiers are then not to help but to kill them.. They will tell them we hate the muslims and our helicopters will rain bullets on them.. They will lie to there people like they have for hundreds of years...

why are they poor?? why after thousands of years in a tropical paradise with plenty of fish and land for growing, with so many people who are so strong and proud, how can they be so poor..... it is because they are opressed.. in a way you wil lnever understand.. They are not told in school they can do anything they are told you can do anything so long as you are told to...

it is hard to put your self in there head, to understand why they don't care about freedom.. they just don't know what it is.. They have heard of it.. Like escargo.. but I have not eaten snails and don't understand those who do... They have heard of democracy and some know it and would like it.. but most are clueless...... and most don't htink they are allowed to it....

So if we want to help we should take over there govenrments and free them like we are doing in Iraq, like we did in Afganistan, like we did in the phillipenes like we did in japan and south korea, germany, and countless other nations.. Some times it is easy like japan and some times it is fast like Iraq, but it always takes lifes and determination and the strength to ignore all who oppose freedom..

so what ever nothing I can do.. I just hope you don't give to the tsunami victims a little water was the least of there problem..


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