Monday, September 27, 2004

Sex or war?

I was going to talk about sex today, I though we all needed a laugh. But instead I feel it is necessary to talk about the war in Iraq seeing that it is on everyone's mind. I am doing it in 2 parts so the sex thing will be on Wednesday it will be entertaining, I promise. But now it is time to be serious, just a little.

Thank you in advance for reading this. Please read as much as you can, I am sure there is alot you didn't know. I am sorry for all the typos but you get the idea.

I will begin with the war in Iraq. More specifically the sanctions and inspections that you said was wroking

Saddam had WMD
Saddam used WMD
Saddam used WMD on us during the first gulf war
We found large amounts of WMD during the first gulf war.
We documented them and destroyed them.
Sadam made most of the WMD but bought some
If he bought them once he could buy them again
Weapons Inspections were part of the CEASE FIRE agreement
The CEASE FIRE agreement was violated completely
Iraq had invaded 3 nations and wanted to attack more
Saddam wanted more land but the UN never sought to remove him
UNSCOM weapons inspectors found a active program through 1998
1998 UNSCOM weapons inspectors were removed for op. Desert Fox
UNSCOM was dismantal 1998
1998 Rusia, France and China all apposed inspections
1998 Rusia, France and China abstained to vote for inspections
1998 Offical policy for the US was regimn change in Iraq
1999 UNMOVIC was created after Desert Fox
UNMOVIC never found evidance of a WMD program
Hans Blix was the head UNMOVIC weapons inspectors in 2003
Hans Blix found no WMD program and said inspections were working
Hans Blix said there was no WMD program before the war
Hans Blix said there were obviously WMD programs After the war
Hans Blix belied that the program wouldn't really make WMD
Large Caravans of Trucks Left Iraq before the war.
How many trucks could of left Iraq between 1998 and 2003?
1998 - 2003 the time the Inspections stopped and the war began
1998 - 2003 when the policy of the US was regimn change
1998 - 2003 When Sadam realise his rule was ending
1991 - 2003 Total time sanctions and inspections 13 years
an estimated 400,000 Iraqies died because of Sanctions

History.... Part 1
SCR 661 8/6/1990 imposed comprehensive economic and financial sanctions on Iraq in an effor to compel Sadddam to Withdraw His troops from Kuwait.

Saddam did not withdraw from Kuwait

SCR 678 11/29/1990 Authorized UN memeber states to use all necessary means to uphold and impliment all relevant resolutions and **to restore inerntational peace and security in the area.**

Notice please "to restore international peace and secutity in the area"

It gave Sadam a dead line 1/19/1991 (5 months after the invasion of Kwait mind you)

midnight 1/19/1991 the coalition air strikes begain

Total lenth of conflict 78 days

Sadam was removed from Kuwait

The international community did not want to go further. They did not want to be involved wtih regimn change and felt the regimn change should come from with in.

Was there Peace in the area? no, we sepecificly encouraged a uprising in Iraq but offered no help

Imagine if we pushed Hitler out of Poland then the League of Nation said it is ok lets leave Hitler there and if his nation wants to revolt they can.

Of course we were not suppose to allow Germany to Make an army but we did, we should of stopped him after he invaded Poland, but we didn't we should of gotten involved when he invaded france and the rest of europe, but we didn't, we should of done a lot of things but we didn't Damn Democrats, LOL.

Bush gave into the will of the international community (Mistake) and a cease fire agreement was made.

SCR 686 3/2/1991 Called for the release of all prisoners and for Iraq to assume all liabity for damages from the invasion of Kuwait (I don't believe any money was ever paid to this day)

***After the removeal of sadam and the liberation of Iraq (13 year later) The US agreed to release the debt from the first war and urged all other nations such as France and Germany to do so as well, they of course did.***

SCR 687 4/3/1991 Dubbed the "mother of resolutions" among other things it said;

UNSCOM was to be established (weapons inspectors)

Sanctions were put on a 60 day review process (lasted 13 years and estimated 400,000 Iraqies died of starvation)

No Oil was to be sold (oil was still being sold to neighbors)

Only Medicine and Humanitarian aid wast to be bought (8 palaces were made, countless weapons were bought, very little food or medicine was bought, Saddam deployed Mines in the ports so no ships could enter)

All WMD were to be destroy under "international supervision" (none were destroyed under international supervision and no one know what has happened to them, Some officers said they were destroyed but when the areas were inspected the evidance showed no WMD were destroyed there)

Ballistic missles were given a maximum limit of 150km forbidden (4 missles during the 2nd gull war had ranges over 150km many more were found after the gulf war)

Iraq was not to "Use, develope, consrtuct or acquire any WMD including any nuclear programs (On many many incidents a active WMD program was discovered over 13 years. 3/1/2000 Hans Blix becomes excecutive chairman of the UNMOVIC, No weapons programs were discovered by Hans and Hans said no WMD program existed and inspections were working)

Lastly to nott support oar allow terrorist orginizations to operate in the country. (we know of many terrorist orginizations that met in Iraq and with Saddam over 13 years, September 2000 Saddam begins making payments of $25,000 to fammilies of suicide bombers in Israel)


Ever single part of the cease fire agreement was violated over the 13 years

SCR 688 4/5/1991 Condemned the repression of Iraqi civilians and to allow immediate inernational humnitarian groups immediate access to those in need. (stop killing and tourchering your people, did he stop... NO of course not)

SCR 707 8/15/1991 Condemned Iraq's violations**** of SCR 687 and called for Iraq to halt nuclear activities of all kind and to stop attempting to conceal or move WMD and related materil and facilities. (violated a cease fire agreement??? Conceal WMD ???)

SCR 715 10/11/1991 Called for Iraq to cooperate fully with UN and IAEA inspectors. (didn't we make this clear... TWICE)

SCR 949 10/15/1994 Condemed Iraq's Military deployment toward Kuwait (here we go again). Also it ordered Iraq to cooperate fully with Un weapons inspectors (didn't we say this already 3 Times) and not to enhance it's military capabilities in Southern Iraq.

SCR 986 12/9/1996 Oil for food program (the people are starving over 90,000 dead so far?? well the sanctions are working****)(oil for coutries kick back for Sadam.... Yah money for guns, tanks and of course a WMD program ohhhh yah also money for terroist to bomb Israel... )(food we don't need not stinking food)(leave the mines in the harbor we don't care bring the food in trucks we don't need much for ??? how many million people are starvings... Screw them I am sadam I have 8 palaces)

SCR 1051 12/9/1996 Iraq to cooperate fully with UN ispectors ... wait a second... didn't we say this already, huh?) and allow immediate, uncoditional un restricted access (let us in)

SCR 1115 6/21/1997 CONDEMNED "repeated refusal of Iraqi authorities to allow access"**** to UN inspectors constituting a "clear and flagrant violation"**** of (do I need to say it, well do I ????)

SCR 1134 10/23/1997 condemned "repeated (I am just going to say ditto)

SCR 1205 11/5/1998 (DITTO)

12/16/1998 UNSCOM weapons inspectors are withdrawn for the last time.

12/17/1998 US and British Launch operation Desert Fox ***(why no other allies?, Clinton**** why no allies??? Great Britian is not an allie, they are ... what are they???) To attemt to desprton Iraq's Nuclear, Chemical and Bilogical weapons program (What weapons program ??? How can there be a weapons program?)

You don't know what Desert Fox was do you??? You think I am making it up? why don't you look it up and see what it was...

Also how could we do desert fox ??? we didn't have troops there did we? What we had over 100,000 troops in the region?? How could why would we??

Well at least they were safe right??? What!! Sadam Attack US marine barracks and attempted to assinate President Bush? Clinton launched a cruse missle stike?? huh?? I didn't know that.

We will end here today and pick up tomorrow. At this point there are no inspections in Iraq we have just attacked them to try to end there WMD programs.

I found this page during the writting of this.. It is pretty good you should read it if you want. BTW I found this because I wanted to know who voted no to 686 and 687, I wrote all this before I found the website. Funny how it supports what I said, huh, how can that be?

So... The sanctions were working?? To do what? Kill the innocent squelch any support for uprisings. Either you didn't know about the sanctions or you are one sick fuck who enjoys seeing inocent people starve.

Let me know.. I think you just didn't know and that you don't like innocent people starving to death.. what do you think?

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Common sense

Common Sense,

I don't really care what the dictionary defines it as, because I think it is it's own definition. As to say it should be common sense. I guess if you don't' know what it is let me know and I will try to explain it to you. Better yet I will try to help you find a creative way to end your life in a way that makes the most amount of people happy. You know it really wouldn't surprise me that there are some out there that might not know what common sense is.. There seems to be an lack of common sense in this country. I am not going to state that people in this country must be getting stupid. It is pretty obvious, well documented and never debated. Surprisingly some argue record levels of degrees and other such indicators show the opposite. As I said the country is getting stupid. With that logic one could conclude that maybe, just maybe, people in this country are wrong. It is a possibility.

A favorite quote of mine goes (Sorry I have no idea where I heard it or who said it)"The world is not a battle of good and evil, but a battle of opposing views of good". Because to most everyone what they do is good. It is right to them. There actions are noble for the most part and for the most part in general agree with there own set of morals. These morals are not a mystical thing, they are shaped by our environment, the people we meet, the things we do, our parents, brothers, sisters, friends, neighbors, teachers, lovers, and everyone. Even people we don't know shape our morals which seems strange that we might listen and agree or disagree with someone's who we don't even know. To some degree we let the media and society as a whole decided for us, what is wrong and right. Now why might we do this? I have no clear answer. I know why I do it, to grow. I see no need talking to those I already agree with unless they give me information I don't already know. And give me an in site that I might not have seen. Instead I strive to find people I disagree with, and if not available I will be the devils advocate for any argument. Most of the time that is.. Don't get me wrong start saying Clinton was a bad leader and I will only add to the argument. Now I know what you are saying "Clinton wasn't a bad leader". You are correct he was no leader at all, and just a bad person in general. Few people know about him and trust me I could go on for ages.

Right now however I want to talk about our current president who people know even less about. It is funny how our pre conceived notions effect our view of the world. How knowing little about a bad person like Clinton allows some to like him and how know less about our current president, allows some to hate him.

How is it so many people can be so divided, how is it so many people see the obvious as 2 totally different things. Is it possible that both are correct, sure, to some degree both are correct. Everyone brings something to the table of collective knowledge. Our different experiences brings different views and different opinions and ideas.. Sure we all know this but why don't' we cherish it, why don't we embrace those we disagree with and thank them for allowing us to grow. Why do we cluster ourselves with people we agree. Why would we choose to stay the same and not grow? Because it is work. It takes effort and energy. We are comfortable and happy around those of us we agree with. We still take jabs at the other side, and troy grenades at them and hope to inflict damage and injuries. But this never gives us in site into the person who we disagree with. Our combatant. How can we respect our enemy and see him as a worthy foe if we don't walk up to them and fight them hand to hand. Well word to word. Why is it we walk away saying I don't want to fight, I don't want to talk about it. I don't know. I do know that when people get drunk they act more naturally even if we don't want to admit who we really are. It comes out when people are drunk. And yes, that is why we don't walk away from a fight, even a simple one over the beer nuts or a stool. We revert to who we want to be and who we really are when we are not censoring ourselves. I myself am very different them most. Anyone who knows me will Tell you that... Sure we are all different, but I ... Well you wile see I hope...

I don't drink, use drugs, smoke. Never have never will. I don't need to, I am myself, I am un censored and proud of it.. I have an ego that can't be matched and all this leads to trouble. But you don't know me and I don't care. I love all people I appreciate everyone. Hopefully this will be a way to reach more people and offend some of them.. I mean grow as a human. Being offensive only gets us attention it does little or nothing to raising our perceived ability. It is what we say after we are offensive that matters. This is our chance to use wisdom, logic and knowledge to show them we are worth listening to. So if I offend anyone I am sorry, truly sorry. Those who know me, know I like to help. I like to make this world a better place. I don't do it to satisfy guilt, I don't do it for the thank you or the warm fuzzy feeling inside. I don't feel guilty I don't ask or listen to thank you and I certainly don't have warm fuzzy feelings unless she is a cute little brown eyed girl.

Currently I am unemployed and playing video games online. I love cards, backgammon, chess (though I suck). I enjoy anything that taxes my mind, strikes my funny bone or pulls on my heart strings.

Enough about me, lets get back to it. We were talking about how divided this nation is, this is obvious. Some say it is a really bad thing, some say that we need to stop fighting. I myself love it. I strive to find people, intelligent people who think differently or know things I do not. I think discussion and sometime even argument are healthy and not common enough. We should all talk more, and talk to those who we agree and disagree with. And not about pointless matters which no one has a strong opinion about, but important things. Things that people are passionate about and this is where arguments are a good thing. They are a battle of the mind. A battle fought by words and ideas. How can words and ideas be a bad thing True most arguments sever little point and in the short term are just a waste of energy. But in the end we are shaped by them. The touch us deeper then we know. The emotions and passions of "the enemy" effect us on a level that we don't even realize. We walk away angry, annoyed, frustrated. While deep inside our mind goes, huh. What was that about. It opens up to the notion, that maybe, just maybe what society as a whole has told us, was a lie. That we have lied to ourselves about something.

Right now in America there are so many people I disagree with and that disagree with me and some of them are good enough to fight. Most on the left keep there distance they through hand grenades of insults from the bunker of those who they agree with. They do not want to come out and have an actual one on one debate. They will squelch you in public and iggy you in chat rooms. Iggy is short (not by much) for ignore. They turn off there IM's and block your e-mails. They will do anything to see what the other side thinks. They don't want to realize that there whole life is a mistake. They are like the democrats during the civil war. Not wanting to agree that slavery is bad. They were comfortable living in the south and divide a nation. I don't mean they had a news paper like the New York Times (not a real newspaper) that spread there hate filled rants and fueled there anger. I mean they actually split the nation. They declared themselves a separate nation. Is this where we are heading? I don't think so though I could see Texas succeeding from the union. I could see them becoming there own country and the funny things is they could. To be honest I don't think the democrats would mind. Hell the people they elect to represent them run to other nations to illegally defeat the government. So typical of liberals to run and hide when the truth is being told. Some don't run and hide they send there dumbest representative out there to speak there mind, which as we all know, isn't much.

They are normally rants and catchy slogans or one liners. They might even get 4 or even 5 words in a row. The smarter of the party use these pawns to protect the better pieces. I myself think the pawns just get in the way and never sad to see them go. Once the pawn are gone a whole world of possibilities open up. Very fast our choices grow, logic becomes more and more important. I admit this is where I loss at chess. See chess is black and white. I myself am more of a grey. Who am I kidding I am grey. Also in chess a mistake can not be taken back. You can't correct yourself and you can't get any more pieces as you go along.

The other thing I hate about chess is you don't have to loss. There doesn't need to be a winner. I could play the best player in the world and never be put in chess. But that is no fun you want to try to win at least. So you go aggressive you look around at things you can do to get the other guy, then you get burned. The good player uses that anger and hostility against you. They bait you and then you are done. I myself am not good at chess I fall for the bait, I get blinders on and only see the queen. Maybe it is because I love women so much and the queen is the only women on the board. I am sure I could get better at chess if I tried, but I enjoy how I play it and that is the point. I don't mind loosing and I don't really like being that competitive any more. I don't think it brings out the best in me. I prefer to laugh at a mistake then get pissed at a good move from my opponent. I love and enjoy the good moves of my enemy as much as he does. Which doesn't lead well to me winning.

Sure I can beat a 3 year old and the occasional grown women. But I still suck and don't really get much pleasure out of a serious game. I prefer getting beaten fast then struggling in a slow game. As I said I am not good at it.

why am I talking about chess if I really don't care for it and clearly not good at it. Because I think chess is a lot like our current political climate. We all have our pawns we have our kings and they have there queen. Kerry's first queen of course went nuts and got taken out early in the game. Well queens make mistakes. I think she was upset about loosing her idenity that she didn't like being the wife of a polation. She was right she had no identity. She had no self worth and nothing about her was really special. Am I saying Laura has no identity? Absolutely not, quite the opposite. She does have a identity a strong character. That is why she doesn't go nuts. It always amazes me that people thing the quit are dumb or weak. Enough about the first lady and other wives of politician. Well one more thing. I think the quit are often the strong, they have to be strong to stay quit until what they say can be effective. Some of the brightest people I have ever know, didn't look it. Lets look at Einstein for our paradigm of hope. Few people look dumber or more lost then he did. My god. I think the smart don't look it because they don't need to. They can succeed on there skills and not rely on nice hair, a strong chin or proper size nose. Though it would help if the smart looked smart and some times that is the case. Look at Cheney, if you were to meet him in public and not know who he was. You would think he was an brilliant man, and you would be right. Few people know more about history and are a better listener then he. And when he chooses to speak up you better listen. For his words are truly gold. I look forward to the vice president debates like a kid looking forward to x-mas or a teenage boy looking forward to pussy. I kid you not, I think amazing things will come from that debate for Edwards is a fine canidate. I think he will be the perfect person to debate Cheney. I would not be surprised if the democrats find a way to avoid the vice president debates all together.

Now that we are on the topic of debates I must say... I am not happy with the current format for the debates..

IN FACT... I want a 4th debate. Sure take your time and do what you will in the first 3. But after everyone gets there fair turn I want both the presidents and vice president and there counter part to meet for one last debate. I want it to be on the floor of the house moderated by the senate. I don't want any new casters asking questions and I don't want a select few privilege people in the audience. I want the representatives of the people in the audience. I want it to have not time line and no breaks. I want them to go at it with words and ideas. I want the battle fully engaged one team against the other. I want them to argue until one side gives up or the final vote is cast. I want this debate to start on 11/1/4 and end well who knows. When the final absentee vote of our troops over seas our finally counted. Amazing how much energy is being spent to change perfecta good systems in the US but nothing can be done for our voting military. Don't they have an opinion, a right to vote... I would prefer to hear there voice before I hear the voice of a idiot that can't manage to push out a Chad properly...

Back to chess...

Ok so clearly you can see how a chess board is our nation and the great divide in the middle. The game has begun and pieces are slowly moving to the middle but they seem to get wiped out, some don't and do really well this is true.. Anyways, I want this game to speed up. I want to get into it. I truly think once the pawns are gone logic will come out and this is where the right side will win. I guess I could of said the correct side... riiiiight...

I myself would be good at the political version of chess, but I don't really have a chance. I haven't gotten my chance to move. I just sit there idle.. I wish to god that I could meet the president because I am certain that I could help him and help him more then anyone. I think there is no one in this world that agrees with him more. I have never agreed with anyone so much in my entire life. He could not be more right about everything.

How can I say that?

because I don't watch the major networks. I read things online. I watch cspan and fox. I try to find the actual words. Today The head of USA today was on. A very bright person but clearly influenced by his surroundings. I think that he could do amazing things if he just stepped back from himself more and saw how the world really was. Still A brilliant man, an excellent speaker, full of knowledge and wisdom and strong morals. A person we can all admire and envy and a person who's name escapes me.

I admit it.. I do.. I started this blog because of C-span. I didn't know I could have a free blog. I knew really but didn't really think too much about it. I wish I had done it earlier. I know now that I wouldn't be buried under a million other blogs. Well at least it isn't a billion..

Ok I rambled this time and went on many tangents, but this is my first blog. My future blogs will have a more clear point and be shorter.

I promise

The point of this one was common sense. It is always hard to articulate the obvious.. So I won't I will let Einstein do it, because he does it well.

Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen.

Please tell me what you think. PLEASE TELL ME what you think. I am doing this to have a conversation. Call me names, all you want. I imagine I disagree with everyone on this planet about 1 or more ideas. I really want to hear from the other side on this. Please speak up and be heard. I don't want the pawns though they are fun and easy to beat. I want to hear from you and maybe you can help me grow. Also please forgive my typos and grammer and let me know so I can fix it.. or just ignore it.

Who is to blame; the major media.

Who is the solution; bloggers.