Monday, September 27, 2004

Sex or war?

I was going to talk about sex today, I though we all needed a laugh. But instead I feel it is necessary to talk about the war in Iraq seeing that it is on everyone's mind. I am doing it in 2 parts so the sex thing will be on Wednesday it will be entertaining, I promise. But now it is time to be serious, just a little.

Thank you in advance for reading this. Please read as much as you can, I am sure there is alot you didn't know. I am sorry for all the typos but you get the idea.

I will begin with the war in Iraq. More specifically the sanctions and inspections that you said was wroking

Saddam had WMD
Saddam used WMD
Saddam used WMD on us during the first gulf war
We found large amounts of WMD during the first gulf war.
We documented them and destroyed them.
Sadam made most of the WMD but bought some
If he bought them once he could buy them again
Weapons Inspections were part of the CEASE FIRE agreement
The CEASE FIRE agreement was violated completely
Iraq had invaded 3 nations and wanted to attack more
Saddam wanted more land but the UN never sought to remove him
UNSCOM weapons inspectors found a active program through 1998
1998 UNSCOM weapons inspectors were removed for op. Desert Fox
UNSCOM was dismantal 1998
1998 Rusia, France and China all apposed inspections
1998 Rusia, France and China abstained to vote for inspections
1998 Offical policy for the US was regimn change in Iraq
1999 UNMOVIC was created after Desert Fox
UNMOVIC never found evidance of a WMD program
Hans Blix was the head UNMOVIC weapons inspectors in 2003
Hans Blix found no WMD program and said inspections were working
Hans Blix said there was no WMD program before the war
Hans Blix said there were obviously WMD programs After the war
Hans Blix belied that the program wouldn't really make WMD
Large Caravans of Trucks Left Iraq before the war.
How many trucks could of left Iraq between 1998 and 2003?
1998 - 2003 the time the Inspections stopped and the war began
1998 - 2003 when the policy of the US was regimn change
1998 - 2003 When Sadam realise his rule was ending
1991 - 2003 Total time sanctions and inspections 13 years
an estimated 400,000 Iraqies died because of Sanctions

History.... Part 1
SCR 661 8/6/1990 imposed comprehensive economic and financial sanctions on Iraq in an effor to compel Sadddam to Withdraw His troops from Kuwait.

Saddam did not withdraw from Kuwait

SCR 678 11/29/1990 Authorized UN memeber states to use all necessary means to uphold and impliment all relevant resolutions and **to restore inerntational peace and security in the area.**

Notice please "to restore international peace and secutity in the area"

It gave Sadam a dead line 1/19/1991 (5 months after the invasion of Kwait mind you)

midnight 1/19/1991 the coalition air strikes begain

Total lenth of conflict 78 days

Sadam was removed from Kuwait

The international community did not want to go further. They did not want to be involved wtih regimn change and felt the regimn change should come from with in.

Was there Peace in the area? no, we sepecificly encouraged a uprising in Iraq but offered no help

Imagine if we pushed Hitler out of Poland then the League of Nation said it is ok lets leave Hitler there and if his nation wants to revolt they can.

Of course we were not suppose to allow Germany to Make an army but we did, we should of stopped him after he invaded Poland, but we didn't we should of gotten involved when he invaded france and the rest of europe, but we didn't, we should of done a lot of things but we didn't Damn Democrats, LOL.

Bush gave into the will of the international community (Mistake) and a cease fire agreement was made.

SCR 686 3/2/1991 Called for the release of all prisoners and for Iraq to assume all liabity for damages from the invasion of Kuwait (I don't believe any money was ever paid to this day)

***After the removeal of sadam and the liberation of Iraq (13 year later) The US agreed to release the debt from the first war and urged all other nations such as France and Germany to do so as well, they of course did.***

SCR 687 4/3/1991 Dubbed the "mother of resolutions" among other things it said;

UNSCOM was to be established (weapons inspectors)

Sanctions were put on a 60 day review process (lasted 13 years and estimated 400,000 Iraqies died of starvation)

No Oil was to be sold (oil was still being sold to neighbors)

Only Medicine and Humanitarian aid wast to be bought (8 palaces were made, countless weapons were bought, very little food or medicine was bought, Saddam deployed Mines in the ports so no ships could enter)

All WMD were to be destroy under "international supervision" (none were destroyed under international supervision and no one know what has happened to them, Some officers said they were destroyed but when the areas were inspected the evidance showed no WMD were destroyed there)

Ballistic missles were given a maximum limit of 150km forbidden (4 missles during the 2nd gull war had ranges over 150km many more were found after the gulf war)

Iraq was not to "Use, develope, consrtuct or acquire any WMD including any nuclear programs (On many many incidents a active WMD program was discovered over 13 years. 3/1/2000 Hans Blix becomes excecutive chairman of the UNMOVIC, No weapons programs were discovered by Hans and Hans said no WMD program existed and inspections were working)

Lastly to nott support oar allow terrorist orginizations to operate in the country. (we know of many terrorist orginizations that met in Iraq and with Saddam over 13 years, September 2000 Saddam begins making payments of $25,000 to fammilies of suicide bombers in Israel)


Ever single part of the cease fire agreement was violated over the 13 years

SCR 688 4/5/1991 Condemned the repression of Iraqi civilians and to allow immediate inernational humnitarian groups immediate access to those in need. (stop killing and tourchering your people, did he stop... NO of course not)

SCR 707 8/15/1991 Condemned Iraq's violations**** of SCR 687 and called for Iraq to halt nuclear activities of all kind and to stop attempting to conceal or move WMD and related materil and facilities. (violated a cease fire agreement??? Conceal WMD ???)

SCR 715 10/11/1991 Called for Iraq to cooperate fully with UN and IAEA inspectors. (didn't we make this clear... TWICE)

SCR 949 10/15/1994 Condemed Iraq's Military deployment toward Kuwait (here we go again). Also it ordered Iraq to cooperate fully with Un weapons inspectors (didn't we say this already 3 Times) and not to enhance it's military capabilities in Southern Iraq.

SCR 986 12/9/1996 Oil for food program (the people are starving over 90,000 dead so far?? well the sanctions are working****)(oil for coutries kick back for Sadam.... Yah money for guns, tanks and of course a WMD program ohhhh yah also money for terroist to bomb Israel... )(food we don't need not stinking food)(leave the mines in the harbor we don't care bring the food in trucks we don't need much for ??? how many million people are starvings... Screw them I am sadam I have 8 palaces)

SCR 1051 12/9/1996 Iraq to cooperate fully with UN ispectors ... wait a second... didn't we say this already, huh?) and allow immediate, uncoditional un restricted access (let us in)

SCR 1115 6/21/1997 CONDEMNED "repeated refusal of Iraqi authorities to allow access"**** to UN inspectors constituting a "clear and flagrant violation"**** of (do I need to say it, well do I ????)

SCR 1134 10/23/1997 condemned "repeated (I am just going to say ditto)

SCR 1205 11/5/1998 (DITTO)

12/16/1998 UNSCOM weapons inspectors are withdrawn for the last time.

12/17/1998 US and British Launch operation Desert Fox ***(why no other allies?, Clinton**** why no allies??? Great Britian is not an allie, they are ... what are they???) To attemt to desprton Iraq's Nuclear, Chemical and Bilogical weapons program (What weapons program ??? How can there be a weapons program?)

You don't know what Desert Fox was do you??? You think I am making it up? why don't you look it up and see what it was...

Also how could we do desert fox ??? we didn't have troops there did we? What we had over 100,000 troops in the region?? How could why would we??

Well at least they were safe right??? What!! Sadam Attack US marine barracks and attempted to assinate President Bush? Clinton launched a cruse missle stike?? huh?? I didn't know that.

We will end here today and pick up tomorrow. At this point there are no inspections in Iraq we have just attacked them to try to end there WMD programs.

I found this page during the writting of this.. It is pretty good you should read it if you want. BTW I found this because I wanted to know who voted no to 686 and 687, I wrote all this before I found the website. Funny how it supports what I said, huh, how can that be?

So... The sanctions were working?? To do what? Kill the innocent squelch any support for uprisings. Either you didn't know about the sanctions or you are one sick fuck who enjoys seeing inocent people starve.

Let me know.. I think you just didn't know and that you don't like innocent people starving to death.. what do you think?


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