New Buzz Words..
I started this post months ago but never finished it.. I feel it is important to share what the new buzz words will be so you all can work on the pronounciation and have a little knowledge so you seem smart to your friends and co-workers..
The first Buzz word will be Venezuela.. Why is this the buzz word.. Well because there is a very good chance our military men will be loosing there lives to take out Mr Chavez.. Sucks I know but I don't see a way out of it...
First the history
Venezula is the 4th largest supplier of our oil behind Mexico, Suadi Arabia, Nigeria. They provide us about 1.3 million barrels a day in crude oil.. at about $50 a barrel that is 65 million dollars a day or 23 billion dollars a year.. Yah we buy a lot of oil. Not to mention much of our distolates we buy from Venezula.. We buy distolates because of a great lack of refineries in our own country.. That and we drive way too much in our country.. Either way we need the venezulian oil, but more importantly they need our money.. So once again we are funding the enemy..
Recently President Chaves has taken control of the press and in Feb. bought 100,000 ak47 assult riffles from Russia.. Thanks Putin.. In addition Chaves has been giving host to columbian Marxist Rebels.. Really kind of funny because they are attacking the venezulian people.
President Hugo Chaves makes Castro seem like a really nice guy.. He is the strongest supporter in Communisim.. I was hoping we were done with the cold war.. but it looks like we have a few more freaks out there that think that it is more fair to make every poor and suffering then to let the ones who try hard to prosper.. Ok enough of my views on Communisim and the morons who blindly support it..
So a big fan of Communism with a great hatred of the US and Capitalism.. He has been called the Anti-Bush by most who know him.. He feels that Bush is trying to assasinate him.. He also said "I challenge you to a bet Mr. Bush, one dollar, who will last longer" Making a bet for a US dollar who would be leading longer.. By this we have to assume that President Chaves thinks he will be in power after Bush..
The future:
It is very hard to see the future but we can make certain assumptions. Which I love to do.. Now any number of things could happen but this is my best guss.. I give it a 30% chance to go something like this...
Based on the bet that Chavez made we have to assume that he is not dumb enough to attack the US while Bush is in power.. As Bush would not be one to tolerate communism, terroism or what not.. So like in the 2004 elections he and other foreign leaders will spend millions of dollars to defeat the Republicans at all cost.. So #1 expect the communist of the world to unit around Hillary.. but more then that..
President Chaves will do what it takes to make bush and the republican party look like failures.. So we have to assume he will cause another oil strike as he did in 2003/2004.. Clearly Chaves can just shut down oil exports to the US because he has that power and has treatened it.. but that is the main reason we don't just take him out.. So clearly if he cuts off oil we would have no reason not to kill him.. Still I think he can cause another strike and make oil peak in tune to Hillaries critizism of Bush.. More important he can cut off distolate production all together and cause gas prices to spike up to 20% over night.. an extra 40-60 cents a gallon will cause a lot of pain and will only motivate the ignorant.
So is that all? far from it.. Chaves has activily denounced our war on terror, saying that we are terroist for attacking afganistan.. and we slaughter the innocent.. In 2004 he expressed his support for the insurgants in Iraq.. the people who blow up babies and other Iraqies who support democracy.
Chaves has announced that he wants to produce nukes with the help of Iran. yah it gets uglier.. Clearly his allies in North Korea would be willing to give venezuela nukes.. but with out columbia there is little chance they can get the nukes.. Which leads me to my first wild assumption..
Chaves will promote Columbian Marxist to attack his own people.. The people will know it is an attack from his government but the rest of the morons of the world will think Columbia is attacking venezula.. Which will give Chaves reason to invade columbia in the interest of defense.. This is why he needs 100,000 ak 47 in addition to his already large weapons base.. which I am sure will only grow over the next few years.
Of course Columbia doesn't like the idea of a cuba next to them and doesn't like the idea of a violant dictator.. but theyare smart enough not to want to attack.. This is really all quit brillant of Chaves, cuz he will come out as the good guy to the ignorant american slime.. consider what he has said.. Bush is evil, The US are terroist, He has spoken agains the afgan and Iraq war, spoken up against capitalisim and has vowed to complete his peaceful social revolution against Venezuela's “rancid oligarchy” by “liquidating our adversaries from the field of battle.” basically he is for socialism.. My god.. this sounds familar doesn't it. I heard this same crap from the little college kids I met while campaining for bush in florida.. the same crap that comes out of their ignorant mouths is coming out of chavez.. That means that the dumbest 50% of this country will cream there pants for this guy.. SO anything we do to him will only make us look bad, and the fact that he can seriously hurt oil prices and stun our economy makes things worse. He can easily take over part of columbia and hold it while pease talks take place.. plenty of time to get the short little korean's nukes.
At the very least it will be a well timed black eye to the Bush administration and with any luck and the help of some celebraties and stupid college kids, Hillary will be elected.. Now Hillary will not be one to give a shit about the venezulan people.. So shorty after Hillaries election we should see Chavez to change his "peaceful social revolution" into a violant communist opression.. How many times have we seen that one.. hmmm Russia, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba... there are more but you won't recognize the names anyways..
Chavez could care less about his people as we can tell by his support of marxist rebels.. He just wants power and I am pretty sure that he will be attacking columbia to which we will not be able to help, because the pease talks will begin before we can get troops on the ground.. And because they could hurt oil prices and more importantly gas prices over night.
Then when Chavez gives back the land he will look even better as he was justified to attack and generous to give the land back.. He won't seem like a war monger but a hero in the search for peace and stability.
Ok I can go on but there are more buzz words to get to...
Radio Frequency Identification Tags OR RFID
This is going to hit like a ton of bricks.. you will start to see them everywhere. The technology has been around for a decade.. I am sure some of you have seen it in your library if not other places. I could see them as the ultimate anti counterfit device. Linked by the internet any item will be able to be tracked. So drivers license can have on in them and when scanned and verified by a bouncer or a asshole cop that just pulled you over for safely exceding the speed limit. It will seem like magic to many, as cloths can be fitted with the tages under a tag and after being washed can be destroyed.. Imagine walking into a cloths store grabing what you like putting some of it on and walking out the door.. handed a recipt on the other end.. Now granted the technology is there and it would cut shop lifting greatly. Of course people could start using bags that effectivly block the single.. so We will have to assume the morons that mangae retail stores will still force us to put the items on a conveyor belt and use the RFID to "check" the purchase rung up by the old fashion laser barcode method we all though was amazing 20 years ago. Sad but true it might be a while before our dreams of running into a gas station pulling up to the pump filling up with gas ( maybe someday bio diesel ), grabing a ultra mega super big gulp and a cart to get it into our cars. then driving away never needing a wallet because the attractive bracelet un removable bracelet we wear tells the nice gas station people who I am and what my visa number is..
Of course as i said managment loves inefficency so while this technology is being tested it will only be for security and for paymetn systems similar to Exon's that has been out for over 5 years. I can deffinitly see the government someday putting a RFID in the Tax tag on cigarettes or alcohol and one in your drivers license so if a bottle of smirnof goes through the front door and there isn't a drivers license of a person over 21 at the same time.. then the second set of doors will not open and some annoying buzzer will go off.. Well maybe someday..
Stil you get the idea. I think there are far more intersting uses like in construction and autimation, putting a RFID on a percription bottle so the computer knows the pills that are being put into the bottle that you get which also has a RFID is actually the pills you needed. Any number of really interesting usage will come about..
That being said another similar product is Radio Frequancy Transponder.. Similar to a RFID but a whole lot more powerful.. This is the first step in what I have wanted for years.. Sence the invention of the internet it's purpose has been clear.. No not porn.. The purpose of the internet is to making orderin fast food faster and more efficent.. I bet few of you knew that but that was it's intentions.. All this other crap has just been to get us to this point.. I have a dream... That someday .... You can place your order for your "big mac value meal with large fries and a large Power aid" from your home computer or from your office computer and drive into the parking lot and the moment you pass through either entrance your order get's sent to that McDonalds and your credit card is charged. By the time you manage to make it to the pick up window your order is waiting and is checked by another RFID to make sure the fucktards didn't forget anything.. Now don't get me wrong for all you who want it your way, they may still put tomatos on you wopper, but at least you will know you get a wopper a large fry and a large drink because each of the containers has a RF ID for that product.. which is a lot better then nothing.. At least you don' t have to waste your tme going back and explaining to them you were not given a big mac.. they never believe you and normally youare miles away by the time someone says.... "they for got that..... "
Ok.... this leads me to the next buzz words..
Internet capable hand held device
Or something to that effect.. If you need me to explain it I am amazed you got to this site... Now go drink some bleach because I don't want to ever talk to you..
Light Emitting Diode or LED
I am still amazed that some of you don't know what this is.. it is a supper efficent very small light source that is all over the place and has been around for year.. well this is the year it gets to shine.. So I hope.. (and no I will not apologize for the pun, it was intentional).... It makes many technologys more practical.. Flash lights built into watches, or cell phones.. Infared night vision cameras so you can check out your neighbors cunning attempt to fornicate in their hot tub.. I mean capture video of a bad guy aproaching your back door.. It makes it possible for stuppid little statues to glow in your back yard powered by a photo voltaic cell. It just makes good things better and not just a flashlight that you shake and it lights up.. that is the dumbest thing I have ever seen..
My favorite buzz word will be..
Direct Methanol Fuel Cell or DMFC
This one almost makes me mess my pants. I am speaking of the smallest variety of these fuel cells.. We are at the point where we have fuel cells small enough for hand held devices.. This will maybe be the end of batteries as we know it.. sure the idea of havin high pressured methanol in a phone up to ear seems stupid but such a small amount of is used that it is very safe.. Toshiba has a device about the size of a thumb that can power a mp3 player for 20 hours on 2 cc of methonal.. ok 2 cc of metonal is about the size of 2 peanuts.. you have more fuel in a lighter in your pocket.. They also have a 100 cc device that powers a laptop for 10 hours. still not an awful lot, the acid in a batter is far more dangerous.. Expensive.. well I am not sure how these devices will effectivly be filled yet.. there are many options.. The cost of the product will be in it's handling so I have to assume that methonal will go for at least 10 a liter if not more at first... so a so a 100cc may cost a buck.. now not everyone will want to pay a buck to charge their laptop even if it last 10 hours but some of us would.. And as the technology grows and every power hungry device starts to get fuel cells I can see the cost comming down to maybe a $1/ liter.. Maybe.. hard to say as much of the cost is shipping and handling and the cost of natual gas used to produce it.. at $1/litter a 100 cc 10 hour charge will cost you 10 cents which is far less then the eletricity used to charge the battery while plugged in.. Who knows maybe some day the next step is taken in efficentcy and storage technology and we stop carring around plugs all together.. in either case I can't wait till the day I first say.. Crap I forgot to fill up my laptop.. LOL.
So we also learned a new buzz word in that Methonal.. Might as well learn LNG liquified natural gas.. as you will hear it more and more as Natural gas prices soar...
hmm what else
Other buzz words maybe
HPV- Human Paplona virus.. the thing that cause genital warts.. i figure somday everyone will talk about them because they are becomming very very common.. Damn slut sucks a lot of dick.
HDDVD- there are a couple new DVD technology comming out.. either way it will be in the goal to create a disk with better resolution and more information all in the goal to stop people from digitally coping movies.. I don't think it will work.. Buying movies is so 20th century..
Maybe I will add more to this later and correct all the spellings.. I doubt it...
The first Buzz word will be Venezuela.. Why is this the buzz word.. Well because there is a very good chance our military men will be loosing there lives to take out Mr Chavez.. Sucks I know but I don't see a way out of it...
First the history
Venezula is the 4th largest supplier of our oil behind Mexico, Suadi Arabia, Nigeria. They provide us about 1.3 million barrels a day in crude oil.. at about $50 a barrel that is 65 million dollars a day or 23 billion dollars a year.. Yah we buy a lot of oil. Not to mention much of our distolates we buy from Venezula.. We buy distolates because of a great lack of refineries in our own country.. That and we drive way too much in our country.. Either way we need the venezulian oil, but more importantly they need our money.. So once again we are funding the enemy..
Recently President Chaves has taken control of the press and in Feb. bought 100,000 ak47 assult riffles from Russia.. Thanks Putin.. In addition Chaves has been giving host to columbian Marxist Rebels.. Really kind of funny because they are attacking the venezulian people.
President Hugo Chaves makes Castro seem like a really nice guy.. He is the strongest supporter in Communisim.. I was hoping we were done with the cold war.. but it looks like we have a few more freaks out there that think that it is more fair to make every poor and suffering then to let the ones who try hard to prosper.. Ok enough of my views on Communisim and the morons who blindly support it..
So a big fan of Communism with a great hatred of the US and Capitalism.. He has been called the Anti-Bush by most who know him.. He feels that Bush is trying to assasinate him.. He also said "I challenge you to a bet Mr. Bush, one dollar, who will last longer" Making a bet for a US dollar who would be leading longer.. By this we have to assume that President Chaves thinks he will be in power after Bush..
The future:
It is very hard to see the future but we can make certain assumptions. Which I love to do.. Now any number of things could happen but this is my best guss.. I give it a 30% chance to go something like this...
Based on the bet that Chavez made we have to assume that he is not dumb enough to attack the US while Bush is in power.. As Bush would not be one to tolerate communism, terroism or what not.. So like in the 2004 elections he and other foreign leaders will spend millions of dollars to defeat the Republicans at all cost.. So #1 expect the communist of the world to unit around Hillary.. but more then that..
President Chaves will do what it takes to make bush and the republican party look like failures.. So we have to assume he will cause another oil strike as he did in 2003/2004.. Clearly Chaves can just shut down oil exports to the US because he has that power and has treatened it.. but that is the main reason we don't just take him out.. So clearly if he cuts off oil we would have no reason not to kill him.. Still I think he can cause another strike and make oil peak in tune to Hillaries critizism of Bush.. More important he can cut off distolate production all together and cause gas prices to spike up to 20% over night.. an extra 40-60 cents a gallon will cause a lot of pain and will only motivate the ignorant.
So is that all? far from it.. Chaves has activily denounced our war on terror, saying that we are terroist for attacking afganistan.. and we slaughter the innocent.. In 2004 he expressed his support for the insurgants in Iraq.. the people who blow up babies and other Iraqies who support democracy.
Chaves has announced that he wants to produce nukes with the help of Iran. yah it gets uglier.. Clearly his allies in North Korea would be willing to give venezuela nukes.. but with out columbia there is little chance they can get the nukes.. Which leads me to my first wild assumption..
Chaves will promote Columbian Marxist to attack his own people.. The people will know it is an attack from his government but the rest of the morons of the world will think Columbia is attacking venezula.. Which will give Chaves reason to invade columbia in the interest of defense.. This is why he needs 100,000 ak 47 in addition to his already large weapons base.. which I am sure will only grow over the next few years.
Of course Columbia doesn't like the idea of a cuba next to them and doesn't like the idea of a violant dictator.. but theyare smart enough not to want to attack.. This is really all quit brillant of Chaves, cuz he will come out as the good guy to the ignorant american slime.. consider what he has said.. Bush is evil, The US are terroist, He has spoken agains the afgan and Iraq war, spoken up against capitalisim and has vowed to complete his peaceful social revolution against Venezuela's “rancid oligarchy” by “liquidating our adversaries from the field of battle.” basically he is for socialism.. My god.. this sounds familar doesn't it. I heard this same crap from the little college kids I met while campaining for bush in florida.. the same crap that comes out of their ignorant mouths is coming out of chavez.. That means that the dumbest 50% of this country will cream there pants for this guy.. SO anything we do to him will only make us look bad, and the fact that he can seriously hurt oil prices and stun our economy makes things worse. He can easily take over part of columbia and hold it while pease talks take place.. plenty of time to get the short little korean's nukes.
At the very least it will be a well timed black eye to the Bush administration and with any luck and the help of some celebraties and stupid college kids, Hillary will be elected.. Now Hillary will not be one to give a shit about the venezulan people.. So shorty after Hillaries election we should see Chavez to change his "peaceful social revolution" into a violant communist opression.. How many times have we seen that one.. hmmm Russia, China, Korea, Vietnam, Cuba... there are more but you won't recognize the names anyways..
Chavez could care less about his people as we can tell by his support of marxist rebels.. He just wants power and I am pretty sure that he will be attacking columbia to which we will not be able to help, because the pease talks will begin before we can get troops on the ground.. And because they could hurt oil prices and more importantly gas prices over night.
Then when Chavez gives back the land he will look even better as he was justified to attack and generous to give the land back.. He won't seem like a war monger but a hero in the search for peace and stability.
Ok I can go on but there are more buzz words to get to...
Radio Frequency Identification Tags OR RFID
This is going to hit like a ton of bricks.. you will start to see them everywhere. The technology has been around for a decade.. I am sure some of you have seen it in your library if not other places. I could see them as the ultimate anti counterfit device. Linked by the internet any item will be able to be tracked. So drivers license can have on in them and when scanned and verified by a bouncer or a asshole cop that just pulled you over for safely exceding the speed limit. It will seem like magic to many, as cloths can be fitted with the tages under a tag and after being washed can be destroyed.. Imagine walking into a cloths store grabing what you like putting some of it on and walking out the door.. handed a recipt on the other end.. Now granted the technology is there and it would cut shop lifting greatly. Of course people could start using bags that effectivly block the single.. so We will have to assume the morons that mangae retail stores will still force us to put the items on a conveyor belt and use the RFID to "check" the purchase rung up by the old fashion laser barcode method we all though was amazing 20 years ago. Sad but true it might be a while before our dreams of running into a gas station pulling up to the pump filling up with gas ( maybe someday bio diesel ), grabing a ultra mega super big gulp and a cart to get it into our cars. then driving away never needing a wallet because the attractive bracelet un removable bracelet we wear tells the nice gas station people who I am and what my visa number is..
Of course as i said managment loves inefficency so while this technology is being tested it will only be for security and for paymetn systems similar to Exon's that has been out for over 5 years. I can deffinitly see the government someday putting a RFID in the Tax tag on cigarettes or alcohol and one in your drivers license so if a bottle of smirnof goes through the front door and there isn't a drivers license of a person over 21 at the same time.. then the second set of doors will not open and some annoying buzzer will go off.. Well maybe someday..
Stil you get the idea. I think there are far more intersting uses like in construction and autimation, putting a RFID on a percription bottle so the computer knows the pills that are being put into the bottle that you get which also has a RFID is actually the pills you needed. Any number of really interesting usage will come about..
That being said another similar product is Radio Frequancy Transponder.. Similar to a RFID but a whole lot more powerful.. This is the first step in what I have wanted for years.. Sence the invention of the internet it's purpose has been clear.. No not porn.. The purpose of the internet is to making orderin fast food faster and more efficent.. I bet few of you knew that but that was it's intentions.. All this other crap has just been to get us to this point.. I have a dream... That someday .... You can place your order for your "big mac value meal with large fries and a large Power aid" from your home computer or from your office computer and drive into the parking lot and the moment you pass through either entrance your order get's sent to that McDonalds and your credit card is charged. By the time you manage to make it to the pick up window your order is waiting and is checked by another RFID to make sure the fucktards didn't forget anything.. Now don't get me wrong for all you who want it your way, they may still put tomatos on you wopper, but at least you will know you get a wopper a large fry and a large drink because each of the containers has a RF ID for that product.. which is a lot better then nothing.. At least you don' t have to waste your tme going back and explaining to them you were not given a big mac.. they never believe you and normally youare miles away by the time someone says.... "they for got that..... "
Ok.... this leads me to the next buzz words..
Internet capable hand held device
Light Emitting Diode or LED
I am still amazed that some of you don't know what this is.. it is a supper efficent very small light source that is all over the place and has been around for year.. well this is the year it gets to shine.. So I hope.. (and no I will not apologize for the pun, it was intentional).... It makes many technologys more practical.. Flash lights built into watches, or cell phones.. Infared night vision cameras so you can check out your neighbors cunning attempt to fornicate in their hot tub.. I mean capture video of a bad guy aproaching your back door.. It makes it possible for stuppid little statues to glow in your back yard powered by a photo voltaic cell. It just makes good things better and not just a flashlight that you shake and it lights up.. that is the dumbest thing I have ever seen..
My favorite buzz word will be..
Direct Methanol Fuel Cell or DMFC
This one almost makes me mess my pants. I am speaking of the smallest variety of these fuel cells.. We are at the point where we have fuel cells small enough for hand held devices.. This will maybe be the end of batteries as we know it.. sure the idea of havin high pressured methanol in a phone up to ear seems stupid but such a small amount of is used that it is very safe.. Toshiba has a device about the size of a thumb that can power a mp3 player for 20 hours on 2 cc of methonal.. ok 2 cc of metonal is about the size of 2 peanuts.. you have more fuel in a lighter in your pocket.. They also have a 100 cc device that powers a laptop for 10 hours. still not an awful lot, the acid in a batter is far more dangerous.. Expensive.. well I am not sure how these devices will effectivly be filled yet.. there are many options.. The cost of the product will be in it's handling so I have to assume that methonal will go for at least 10 a liter if not more at first... so a so a 100cc may cost a buck.. now not everyone will want to pay a buck to charge their laptop even if it last 10 hours but some of us would.. And as the technology grows and every power hungry device starts to get fuel cells I can see the cost comming down to maybe a $1/ liter.. Maybe.. hard to say as much of the cost is shipping and handling and the cost of natual gas used to produce it.. at $1/litter a 100 cc 10 hour charge will cost you 10 cents which is far less then the eletricity used to charge the battery while plugged in.. Who knows maybe some day the next step is taken in efficentcy and storage technology and we stop carring around plugs all together.. in either case I can't wait till the day I first say.. Crap I forgot to fill up my laptop.. LOL.
So we also learned a new buzz word in that Methonal.. Might as well learn LNG liquified natural gas.. as you will hear it more and more as Natural gas prices soar...
hmm what else
Other buzz words maybe
HPV- Human Paplona virus.. the thing that cause genital warts.. i figure somday everyone will talk about them because they are becomming very very common.. Damn slut sucks a lot of dick.
HDDVD- there are a couple new DVD technology comming out.. either way it will be in the goal to create a disk with better resolution and more information all in the goal to stop people from digitally coping movies.. I don't think it will work.. Buying movies is so 20th century..
Maybe I will add more to this later and correct all the spellings.. I doubt it...